Important AdWords Elements You Might Be Missing

AdWords ElementsWhen tasked with managing multiple AdWords campaigns, it can be easy to forget to check on every single one on a regular basis. Between monitoring budgets, CTRs, and your overall goals, a lot can get lost in the details. We all want to get the most out of our campaigns, but sometimes, it can be difficult to keep track of all that has to be monitored. With an ever-increasing amount of competition on the web today, re-committing yourself to optimizing these campaigns is vital. You may be familiar with most of what is important in AdWords, but other elements can be easy to miss when juggling multiple campaigns. Below, we will discuss some important elements that you need to keep an eye on in AdWords in order to guarantee maximum success.

Rotating Your Ads

Using just one variation of a particular ad will ultimately result in poor performance. Not all people are receptive to the same variation of an ad, and some who may be interested in your product – who would engage sooner or later – might begin to ignore the same campaign once they have seen it multiple times. When pinging to Google AdWords your best offerings, it is important not only to have multiple advertisements through which to rotate, but that the ads are rotated properly. In your advanced settings, you’ll find an option for ideal ad rotation; you can optimize rotation for clicks or conversions, as well as whether you want the ads to rotate evenly and/or indefinitely. By picking the ad rotation method that is best for your campaign style, you can be sure to get the most from each ad and campaign.

Monitor Conversions

Within Google AdWords, you can find a plethora of different conversion options to monitor, with some being relevant to your current campaign (and others not being). Are you aware of which conversion metrics you should be measuring? There are of course the conversion metrics that relate to your income and revenue from ads, but other conversion metrics can be useful, too. For instance, how many leads are you generating? If you have a sign-up function on your site, you’ll want to track that as well. Other website interactions – such as downloads and social shares – can also be valuable metrics to keep an eye on consistently. The conversion actions tab in AdWords is a valuable place through which you can measure all of this, so be sure to check in on it and configure it accordingly.

Check Negative Keywords

Last but not least, you want to be sure that you are incorporating negative keywords into each of your campaigns. Negative keywords are words and phrases in SERPs that tell Google not to show your ad when searched. You can add these negative keywords to ad groups or to individual ads; because they are often out of sight, they can be quite easy to forget about. Every now and then, you need to be sure to check this list of negative keywords to make sure that none of them are pinging to Google Adwords and causing difficulties with your campaigns. We can sometimes forget to alter these lists when we alter our campaigns.

One comment

  1. November 25th, 2014 4:00

    GoogleAdWords is very $$$$$ you are better off just going for Seo


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