Posts tagged with Email

Comments Off on The Top 3 Free Marketing Channels, 23/01/2023, by in Marketing, SEO, Social Media

Picking the right marketing channel is critical because the one(s) you choose can work for and with you or backfire. You cannot afford to waste money when you have a small or nonexistent marketing budget and so you should consider free marketing channels if you are in such a situation. So, which are... Read more...

Comments Off on Email vs Push Notifications: Which is Better?, 08/12/2022, by in Marketing

Every marketer is looking for marketing channels which produce the best results and with the best return on investment. Push notifications and emails are two of the most effective marketing and communication tools that help increase conversions and sales. They are different, should be used in differ... Read more...

Comments Off on How to Build the Basics for a Successful Email Marketing Campaign, 16/07/2021, by in Marketing

While there are plenty of marketing tactics and strategies that any brand can consider, email marketing has a unique appeal and set of advantages. Unlike many other forms of marketing, building a strong list of users doesn’t necessarily require ample time in addition to other, universal forms of m... Read more...

Comments Off on 4 Email Marketing Tips that Actually Work, 14/05/2021, by in Marketing

Many business owners start out believing that email marketing is something that should be avoided due to its association with spam. However, the truth is that as long as you are doing it right and using the right email marketing strategies, it is actually one of, if not the most effective way to win... Read more...

Comments Off on Here’s How You Can Easily Improve Email Open Rates, 15/09/2020, by in Marketing

Digital marketing is arguably the most essential component of any brand’s long-term viability and strategy. Without a steady stream of visitors, subscribers or customers, how else can a company or website maintain a successful operation? One of the oldest and most basic forms of digital marketi... Read more...

Comments Off on How to Master the Basics of Email Testing, 22/09/2017, by in Marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most popular forms of marketing due to its very low cost, targeted audiences and ease of use. Virtually everybody uses email, and this makes it very easy to reach exactly the right people with your products, services or messages. Unfortunately, all too many brands ... Read more...

Comments Off on How to Generate Email Sign-ups via Social Media, 07/06/2017, by in Marketing, Social Media

Email marketing remains one of the most effective forms of marketing available. In part because it costs next to nothing to utilize, email marketing helps you make a pitch directly to those who have demonstrated prior interest. The one downside of email marketing is that you have to generate a suffi... Read more...

Comments Off on How to Jumpstart Effective Email Marketing to Young People, 17/02/2017, by in Marketing

Millennials are increasingly becoming a larger and larger share of the consumer market, and have for years been at the center of some pretty prized demographics for marketers. Email marketing is one form of communication that has been active for larger portions of Millennials' lives than anybody els... Read more...

Comments Off on Three Great Email Marketing Platforms You Should Consider, 28/01/2017, by in Marketing

Marketing your brand, business or website to the masses is a huge part of building a successful web presence. Without awareness, traffic and marketing efforts in place, it will be nearly impossible to grow and succeed in whichever industry or niche you're operating. With so many marketing strategies... Read more...

Comments Off on How to Write Better Email Subject Lines, 29/10/2016, by in Marketing

The need for several different forms of internet marketing is now stronger than ever. In order to make the most – and best – impressions on people, you have to reach out to them through a variety of methods. One of the most common, popular and efficient forms of marketing – email marketing –... Read more...