Boost Your CTRs With These Ad Copy Tips

CTR SignDealing with the world of paid search results can be frustrating for anyone who has a small budget or minimal experience in the field. When having to go up against large companies with ad departments dedicated to maximising their results, it can seem nearly impossible to succeed in the way that you initially imagined. Fortunately, paid search is a dynamic world in which even small companies – with the right tactics – can make serious inward roads when it comes to user engagement and clickthrough rates. If you are wanting to boost your CTRs but need some advice on how to do that, then continue reading to find out how changing or improving your ad copy can produce these results.

Provide Information, Not Figures

We’ve all seen paid advertisements that try to lure in shoppers and visitors with promises of great prices and discounts. It would seem intuitive to include figures that back these claims up; “You can Save 20%”, “[Product] is only $19.99”, and other variants give shoppers a clue as to how much they can expect to spend or save. Research has shown, however, that pinging users with this information can actually be counterintuitive, reducing the need for the person to do any more investigating (and therefore, not click on your ads). If you avoid including numbers and figures in your ad copy, then you can boost your CTRs by up to 20% in select cases. While every click certainly won’t result in a sale or conversion, getting someone to your website dramatically increases the chance that they will buy from you now or at some point in the future.

Steer Away from Hysteria

Excitement and emotion are two common themes used by content creators to engage people and encourage them to act in one way or another. It would only seem logical that the same approach would be successful in paid search campaigns, but the reality is that the opposite occurs. One common example of this is the use of the exclamation point. In ads that use exclamation points, there is roughly a 10% lower CTR than in ads that do not use them. You are no doubt excited about your offerings and want others to be as well, but confine this excitement to your actual content and other means of promotion – it does not bode well for your paid search efforts.

Maximize Your Space

If you have written ad copy before, then you know how frustrating it can be to fit everything you’d like into the allotted space. This is why it is so important that you maximize its usage. Pinging users with details can be difficult if you’re limited to 90 characters or less, but it can be done. Start out by replacing words like “and” with “&”, which has actually been shown to increase CTR by a few percentage points on its own. Longer ads, in addition, have been shown to increase CTR by as much as 60 percent when compared to ads that do not use the maximum amount of space allotted, so be sure to consider this in your ad copy endeavours.

One comment

  1. November 19th, 2014 16:50

    I like the tip on using the ‘&’ symbol…I often will also use ‘+’ as well


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