Is Your Website Missing These Crucial Elements?

0 comments, 09/05/2017, by , in Web Design

Every brand and business needs to cater to a particular type of audience in order to do well. Ultimately, what each audience wants can vary from niche to niche, but there are certainly many common denominators regardless of what you’re offering. You may only have one chance to make a good impression on a particular visitor or potential customer before they are lost forever, leaving your website because they didn’t like what they saw. Are you missing crucial elements from your website that could be turning people off? Continue reading below to find out about some crucial elements you website absolutely needs.

Mobile Responsive Design

One of the most important elements any website must have today is a mobile responsive design. This means that your website is optimized to appear on mobile and desktop devices with the utmost functionality. For those who have merely optimized their websites for desktop and do not have a mobile version that is rendered when necessary, reduced visibility in search engines is a guarantee. Google and others have long since said that websites that lack mobile responsive design do not rank well in SERPs and are in fact penalized as a result. If you want to ensure that you’re pinging links to search engines and are being ranked as highly as possible, be sure to adopt responsive design. Your visitors will also thank you for it.

Calls to Action

Your websites serves as a platform to encourage users to do something. Whether that is to read your blog posts, buy your products or share their experiences, there is always a purpose behind the existence. Because of this, calls to action are very important. Not only do you need calls to action in word-form, but your site should also strive to include as many call to action buttons as possible. This way, you are clearly conveying to each visitor what it is you want them to do – and giving them an easy way to follow through on it. Calls to action are great for boosting product sales, increasing conversions or any other behavior that requires direct action from the visitor.


Every website needs a blog. Even if content isn’t being constantly published, a blog does serve at least one crucial purpose: it ensures your website has content. Many business websites, for instance, might have thin content on most of their pages. This means that very little information and few words are present, which search engines tend to frown upon. It’s OK if some pages lack tons of content, but failing to have multiple pages of detailed content can harm your visibility in Google and other search engines. If you want to be pinging links that are ranked as highly as possible in search results, then the creation of a blog – with well-written, detailed pieces published occasionally – is an absolute must.

By including a blog, calls to actions on each page and a mobile responsive design, you’ll more adequately be able to serve your visitors. You’ll rank better in search, reduce bounce rates due to poor design and convert more people into subscribers, shoppers and loyal members.

Web Design

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