Push Traffic to Your Website with Pinterest

0 comments, 20/08/2014, by , in Marketing, Social Media

Push TrafficWith social media now encompassing a huge portion of overall web traffic, it comes as no surprise that countless brands want to utilize the system to their advantage. From redirecting traffic to making sales, there are countless potential uses for brands and businesses who strategically incorporate their strategies into sites like Facebook and Twitter. One network that is even more successful at driving traffic to websites than the aforementioned ones is Pinterest, which allows users to create pinboards and share collections of items with friends, family and complete strangers. If you need more traffic directed to your website for one reason or another, then continue reading to find out about how Pinterest can be used to push it to you.

Pinning Potential

The basic premise of Pinterest is to pin items to interest to various “boards” and share them with people you know. Despite the fact that Pinterest offers the ability to produce unique content and show off your creative side, more than three-quarters of all pins on the network are actually “repins” (equivalent to shares on Facebook). This means that the network has great potential to distribute your content organically when you post something of interest. If you incorporate content that is both beautiful and engaging – and link this to your website’s offerings or content – then you have a great chance of boosting its exposure to hundreds and thousands of people.

What to Pin

Pinging users with content in the form of pinboards on the social network can be a great way to boost exposure, but what exactly should you share? Popular categories on the social media network include fashion, food and home décor, but don’t let this stop you from being creative. While the aforementioned topics can be quite helpful to your brand’s exposure in larger networks on Pinterest (if they relate in some way to your brand), many people have seen success through the promotion of technology pinboards, toy pinboards and travel pinboards. If you can loosely tie in one of these subjects with your brand’s mission, then you may be able to strike gold when it comes to pushing traffic to your website.

Knowing Pinterest’s Demographics

The makeup of Pinterest is quite a bit different than that of many other social networks. On sites like Facebook, you’ll find a fairly even balance between male and female, but Pinterest is approximately three-quarters female. You’ll want to know this in advance in order to determine the best marketing and pinning strategies for pinging users with content. In addition to this, it’s also important to note that engagement rates on Pinterest are several times higher than that of Facebook and Twitter. This means that the connections you make on the network usually wind up being of higher quality and are more relevant to the niche you’ll be promoting.


To succeed on Pinterest and drive traffic to your website through it, you’ll need to understand its demographics and what people who use it enjoy. As outlined above, fashion, art, food and entertainment are popular choices, but feel free to mix things up. With higher engagement rates and more sharing on the network than on many others, you’ll be able to push traffic to your website in higher rates than through other networks – with the right audience.

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