How to Track Down and Reach Influencers Effectively

0 comments, 01/08/2015, by , in Marketing

Maze Entrance In order to make progress in a given niche, brands have to reach out in a variety of ways. This means making new connections with search engines and readers from all over the world, but these efforts can be difficult due to a number of interpersonal and technical reasons. Search engines have upped the ante in terms of what is seen and what is not by searchers, emphasizing quality content and SEO-promoted content above all else. In the world of organic exposure, influencers within a given niche have a lot to offer brands. Below, we’ll discuss how you can effectively find influencers, obtain their contact information, and make contact for the betterment of your brand.

EmailHunter – Finding Their Contact Info

In order to make contact in one meaningful way, you’ll want to find their email address. This can be easily done in many cases by using a tool such as EmailHunter. Available at, this program allows users to enter in the brand or full name of an individual or company, and it will track down all of the email addresses associated with the inquiry. This tool is useful not only for tracking down influencers within a company or brand, but it can also be very helpful in finding those obscure email addresses that are needed to avoid a back-and-forth between a brand that is attempting to put you in contact with the right person. Give it a try today and see which influencers you can find by pinging servers there.

Sidekick – Tracking Your Efforts

In order to keep tabs on how your influencer outreach is going, you’ll definitely want to use a tool like SideKick to get more information. This program has a variety of useful utilities built into it, but perhaps the best part of it for this effort is the option of tracking what each influencer has done with your message thus far. You’ll be able to see who has opened it, who has clicked on links (and specifically, which links) and can then use this information to understand better whether you are having an effect. Follow-up emails, for instance, become a lot easier to write in the proper context when you can determine to what extent influencers have interacted with your previous emails. We highly recommend adopting this product in order to maximize influencer analysis once contact has been initiated.

BuzzStream – Organizing Engagement

Whenever you have ongoing engagements and interactions with influencers, it’s important to stay organized and on top of what they do, what you are discussing, and a variety of other details. Enter BuzzStream, a great tool that is used for marketing. With this, you can start pinging servers on the utility with campaigns and projects that include vital information on influencers, which can then be viewed by project, date added, name or website. Any benefits obtained from select influencers can also be tracked in this system, making it great for measuring progress and determining which influencers are worth your attention in the future.

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