How (and Why) You Should be Using Pinterest

0 comments, 07/02/2014, by , in Social Media

social sharingWhat started off as a niche social network, Pinterest may have the biggest success story of any social network in terms of exponential growth. Within just a year, the network had developed from a little-known entity into a gigantic network that accommodated tens of millions of users. Its catchy method of pinning items to boards in order to share and showcase items became an instant hit throughout the world. Still, many brands and businesses have yet to adopt this social media network as part of their social and SEO strategies. We will explain in the following article why users of social media and brands alike should be using Pinterest – and how they can get the most out of it.

Pinterest Earns Brands Revenue

Perhaps the biggest reason that you should consider the use of Pinterest in any social sharing strategy is that it can earn you big bucks for your efforts. When analyzing various social media networks and their cost-effectiveness, it was determined that Pinterest can earn brands and businesses up to eight times as much revenue per click as Facebook, and four times as much as Twitter. Have you been pinging to Google Plus and other networks in the hopes of earning new business? With numbers like this, you should definitely be considering how Pinterest can play a valuable role in all of that.

Showcase Your Prices

If you have one or more products that you wish to showcase on Pinterest, then you should not be ashamed to attach a price to each. The network allows users to pin the price of each item alongside the image – unlike many other social networks, Pinterest was built around concepts such as fashion and crafts, so the inclusion of a price option in this social network has been common from its inception. It has also been shown that pins with prices tend to gather twenty to forty percent more likes and pins than those that do not have prices included. If you plan to use Pinterest for your business, then go hog-wild with ensuring that your prices for each item are clearly visible.

Ask Your Followers to Act

When you use Pinterest, you must consider the effects that calls to action can have on sharing and engagement. One study recently reported that a call to action can nearly double your average pin’s reach, making it hard to ignore this crucial element of traditional marketing. Much like you would do on a traditional website or landing page, you should be encouraging your users and followers to interact further with the pins you post. Once you have done so, you can expect more action from your followers and will be ready for new business, likes and social clout.


Whether you are already pinging to Google Plus, Facebook and Twitter, or have just begun your foray into social media, Pinterest can be a valuable addition to any brand or business. With a community of users for virtually every niche, you are sure to find a group of individuals interested in what you have to offer. When you consider the financial implications of Pinterest and the response rates of its users, it really is a simple decision when it comes to using this social network.

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