What to Write When You Don’t Know What to Write

2 comments, 24/01/2013, by , in General

Writer's BlockThe classic dilemma of writer’s block can strike at any time – although it particularly seems to manifest itself whenever it is least appropriate. Whether you have been working on a major blog post and just cannot finish that last bit, or you are trying to start on a new e-book but just cannot get the creative juices flowing, it can be one of the most frustrating and profit-damaging aspects of writing. Writer’s block is not permanent, though – with a little bit of creativity, adaptability and patience, you can get around the obstacle and begin creating great content once again. We’ll discuss several strategies for breaking through the block in order to get you back on track.

Start Something New

If you are struggling on a particular assignment or project, then why not consider working on a different one? Most writers have multiple articles and assignments sitting on their docket – it never hurts to change perspective. When you consider that writer’s block is mainly developed through over-analyzing your creative process, finding a new subject upon which to write for a brief period of time may be just the thing you need. Some writers keep a set of incomplete articles on deck for whenever they have trouble with a current project. After writing a paragraph or two on a different subject, many can come back to the original topic with a clearer head.

Start a Journal

When you have to worry about pinging your blog, creating new content and keeping your fan base happy, stress may occur and dampen your ability to consider new ideas. Blogs used to exist mainly for personal sharing – by keeping track of your day to day life, you can help relieve some of this stress while also expressing yourself in the same medium with which you are having difficulty. Utilizing this approach will not only prove to yourself that you can write about anything, but it will also be more likely to generate new ideas for writing as you relive all the thoughts of the day.

Skip Sections

If you are stuck on a particular article, blog or essay as opposed to being fresh out of ideas, then consider skipping ahead and writing a different section of the content. Sometimes, it is better to begin writing about the main points of the topic and after finishing, then complete your introduction and conclusion statements. If you are trying to construct an introduction before you even know what you are introducing, then that could potentially be part of the problem.

Factor in Emotion

Which emotional elements cause you to write the best? Some people can craft excellent stories while angry, while others may find their content flows better while tranquil. Depending on the subject, you may be able to take a different perspective when writing which will allow you to tap into your strongest creative writing attributes. This is also a great strategy for when you do not have writer’s block and works well with a broader strategy of pinging your blog to search engines, advertising via social networking and delivering consistently passionate, well-written content.


  1. January 27th, 2013 23:16

    Will any blogger who does not suffer from “writer’s block” step forward now? Hah! I did not think so. This seems to be a phenomena that we all get struck with now and then. Thanks for sharing your inputs on how to deal with it. I myself like to keep a pocket notebook handy along with a pen so I can write down ideas whenever they happen to “strike.”



  2. March 8th, 2013 18:46

    Write block can happen to the best of us. But doing research before you write will always help.

    You should prepare yourself before writing any article.


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