Check Out These Four Oddball Productivity Tips That Work

0 comments, 18/02/2015, by , in Online Business

Productivity KnifeWhether you operate a single blog or are responsible for multiple websites, you don’t want to spend more time creating content for each one than is necessary. There will inevitably be periods of time in which you’ll face periods of writer’s block, struggle with fresh ideas for content or otherwise have to spend time on other aspects of the site. This can be stressful and cause you to fall behind with writing, which ultimately may reduce the influence you have with your audience. In order to pave the way for more efficient time management and productivity, we’ve put together a list of four oddball tips that’ll help you save time and produce content quickly.

Follow Your Flow

If you are like most writers, then you undoubtedly have noticed that you produce content more efficiently and content of a better quality during certain time periods of the day. Have you ever documented when this occurs? Writers who are pinging to Google their best efforts can gain so much more by figuring out when their brains work best. Some people may be better at writing during the first few hours of the day, while others will write better in the evenings. Whatever works for you should be the time in which you strive to produce content. This will ensure your content is created faster and with a higher level of quality.

Restrict Your Schedule

Those of us who like to sit down for long periods of time without a break in order to get things done may feel productive, but this often is not the case. Writers can achieve better results in terms of time and quality by breaking up their efforts into smaller chunks. Writers are prone to distractions when creating content for long periods of time, but a technique that dedicates he or she to a writing task without distractions for 20 to 30 minutes at a time (with short breaks in between) can induce increased efficiency over the course of the day.

Condition Your Inner Writer

With today’s technology integrating both our work and leisure lives, it can be hard to stay on task while writing. As a result, it is important to separate our two personalities in a way that is both observable to ourselves and those around us. Some of these changes include a change in clothing, a change of room or even leaving the home to get things done. By segregating our pleasure side from our work side and adopting clear differences in all aspects of our being for each, we can be more focused to write when the time comes.

Spontaneous Ultimatums

When we begin to feel the pangs of writer’s block oncoming, our first instinct is to run away. Instead of doing that, try this instead: force yourself to write for two to five more minutes, and if after that you cannot continue, then walk away. Many times, it is merely a short-term psychological effect that prevents us from pinging to Google, our blogs and websites and the feeling reinforces a more long-term consequence. Try ignoring the status quo and powering through – if you absolutely cannot, then take a break and recharge.

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