Tips for Creating a Content Schedule

0 comments, 14/05/2015, by , in Online Business

Clock KeyEnsuring that your audience is satisfied is important, no matter the line of work. Your “audience” might be customers at a restaurant, or movie-goers at a theatre. On the web, your audience will often be individuals who arrive at your website or social media profiles in search of content to absorb. Without a proper plan in place to satisfy their needs, they won’t be around for long. Likewise, a schedule that ensures delivery of said content occurs on a frequent and thorough basis is also needed. Below, we’ll discuss tips on how you can create an effective content schedule that ensures just that.

Documenting the Content Types

Before you can create an effective content schedule that will allow for pinging for SEO and traffic, you must first determine which types of content you wish to create. Not all forms of content creation are equal; some take more time than others, while some require financial investment. There are blog posts, videos, web pages, infographics, podcasts, press releases, and photos, just to name a few types of content. Once you have determined which forms of content you intend to produce, you can then determine the intervals for creating and publishing each type. If you opt for more low-key content like traditional blog posts, then you will need to produce these on a frequent basis. If going for higher maintenance content such as videos and podcasts, then you can generally get by with publishing this content on a less frequent basis.

Formulating Ideas

In order to have a content schedule, you must be able to adhere to it. This means that idea generation is essential in being able to meet your content quotas. Perhaps the biggest setback for many writers, bloggers and content creators is the lack of ideas from time to time. This can often be worked around, depending on the field or niche in which your brand operates. At times, repurposing old content is an option. On other occasions, creating round-up articles or lists of industry happenings will help you power through a tough period. All in all, there are plenty of ways to reuse old content or customize others’ content – in a way that is attributable, of course – that can help you fill out any content schedule.

Rotating Topic Angles

Depending on your overall mission, you may exclusively cover one topic or a variety of topics. In the case of the former, it is important to rotate the angle from which you cover a given topic or theme. This can mean creating content from the perspective of various demographic elements of your targeted audience or approaching a topic using a variety of emotions (humour versus seriousness; formal versus informal). By varying the style and the angle of the topic you cover, you can ensure that the content schedule delivers something for everyone on a consistent basis.

Formulating a content schedule to which you can stick is not the easiest element of brand management. By rotating the angles from which you cover topics, filling the gaps with creative ways of content creation and pinging for SEO using a variety of content formats, you’ll please your audience and ensure they always have something to look forward to when visiting your website.

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