Three Tips for Creating Quality SEO Content

0 comments, 28/08/2013, by , in SEO

SEO on RedIn the age of internet blogging, there are tens of millions of websites out there that all compete or cooperate with one another for attention and revenue. It is no wonder that with the advent of advanced search engine algorithms, content has become king in the world of marketing and search engine optimization. The best content is not created with SEO in mind, but is rather accentuated by its presence within each paragraph. If you have just started your blog or website, or simply need some basic tips on how to create great SEO content for others, then continue reading to find out about three tips to help you create the best quality SEO content possible.

Understand Your Readers’ Patience

This is where many SEO articles fall flat – your readers have certain expectations when viewing your content, and one of those is being able to peruse the article at their leisure. Many people like to browse an article or piece of content before reading it in its entirety; this is where so many content creators mess up. When you use sub-headers, you not only help readers quickly examine your articles for the key points covered, but these properly formatted titles will also optimize your content for search engine results. When you are pinging URLs to search engines, you want to ensure each element is properly configured for maximum success: break down your content, categorize it and make it easy for readers to peruse.

Delicately Use Keywords

One of the most often referenced and crucial parts of any SEO article or piece of content, keywords are used to help categorize your content and ensure that it is featured in appropriate search results. Generally speaking, any particular keyword or phrase should make up no more than three percent of the article in question (number of words), but most writers keep it closer to two percent. There are opportunities to use multiple keywords and phrases in any one article, but users will be well advised to keep the usage of keywords as organic as possible. When you force keywords into content, it can have a negative impact on your SEO and give a negative impression to your readers when the content does not flow as intended.

Incorporate Sharing Methods

When you create a great piece of content, the work that goes into ensuring its success does not stop there. You want your readers to be sharing this content as much as possible – through email, social media and other sources – so it only makes sense to incorporate a variety of sharing mechanisms into your site for this purpose. Many bloggers and webmasters use like, share and tweet buttons in their sites’ interfaces in order to ensure that all of these options are available to readers. These actions will in turn create social signals for your website when pinging URLs and any social media pages, helping to further boost your exposure over time.


The basics of any good SEO article will always comprise ease of access, proper keyword usage and several options for direct sharing. The quality of content must be good (this goes without saying) but these three fundamentals when coupled with great information will help ensure that your SEO articles and content are properly categorized, displayed and received well by readers.

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