Three Great Ways to Generate Leads for Your Website

0 comments, 25/10/2014, by , in Marketing

Make LinksIn the age of digital marketing, a lead can be just as valuable as commodities like gold and silver. When used properly, your lead generation tactics can recruit an entirely new wave of customers, readers and subscribers, making it possible to stay one step ahead of the competition during tough times. It seems like many lead generation suggestions are gimmicky, however, and many people want to steer clear of obvious tactics that may turn off readers. If you find yourself in the need of new leads and want to do so in a way that can be effective on multiple levels, then continue reading to find out how to do so with three great tips.

Always Use Opt-Ins

The web has certainly shifted since its first days. In many cases, you now have to provide some sort of information to a major website before they will let you view or browse their offerings. This has become common-place and therefore, many visitors won’t be turned off by it. By having a variety of opt-in tactics embedded throughout your website, you can be grabbing leads at the same time that you are pinging for SEO. “Download this”, “Get that for free”, “learn about this” and “preview that” should be a central focus of your lead generation strategy. Just be sure that whenever you are asking for information from the viewer, that you are also providing something of actual value in exchange.

Streamline Your Landing Pages

One of the older but still reliable ways to generate leads is to create landing pages. Landing pages serve as a transition zone between an advertisement and the main content people are seeking in many cases, and can be great ways to grab information while people are moving to and from your website. A clear call to action should exist, but you also have to make sure that the flow of the landing page is easy to read and simple enough not to be ignored.  By reducing the amount of information a reader has to process, you’ll increase the chances that they’ll read everything, engage how you want them to, and provide information that will generate a lead.

Improve Your Offers

What do your customers and readers get out of providing you with leads? Such a dynamic is going to vary widely from business to business and from brand to brand, so it’s hard to recommend what exactly to offer in your instance. If your lead generation tactics aren’t producing the fruit they need to be producing, then consider upping the ante in the form of improving the offers and rewards people receive for doing so. You should view lead generation in the same way that you view pinging for SEO: it’s one-part technical, and one-part emotional. The more incentive you provide readers with to do what you’re asking, the better your engagement rates will be in the end.


In order to improve your lead generation strategies, look at streamlining your landing pages, improving your offers and being sure to provide lots of opt-ins along the way. Even if you are already doing all of these things, now is a good time to re-evaluate how each tactic is working, and look for ways in which to make improvements.

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