Tips for Producing Immaculate Google Ad Copy

0 comments, 13/08/2018, by , in Google, Marketing

Digital marketing remains one of the great equalizers among brands vying for attention in various niches and audiences. Even a relatively small budget can be quite effective when deployed efficiently, making it possible to generate great returns on investment.

However, ensuring your ads are optimized for peak performance is easier said than done. While there are several elements to consider, ad copy is the meat and potatoes of marketing in many ways. Without a solid description and alluring content to draw people in, you’ll be wasting money.

Today, let’s look at some tips for how you can produce the very best ad copy possible.

Pack It With Information

Developing effective ad copy for Google – or on any platform  – can be challenging for one simple reason: sheer space. In most digital marketing situations, you’re only given a couple hundred characters to truly summarize what you want the reader to know. While some opt for pinging users with action words and vague descriptions, this isn’t the best strategy.

By using your ad copy to convey as much relevant information as possible, you help improve the ROI of your ads. Think about it: by being vague, you may appeal initially to more people, but many of those will not find your content relevant once they click (yet you’ll still pay for these impressions). By being specific, you can ensure that both the number of clicks and conversions are ideal for your ads.

Imply Limited Availability

The notion that a product, service, discount or other benefit will be available indefinitely does not exactly inspire customers and readers to act. After all, why rush to grab something if it’ll be there tomorrow?

Increasingly, brands have discovered that limiting availability – or at minimum, advertising that availability is limited – has a profound impact on conversions, purchases and subscriptions. By designing your ad copy to imply that what is available today will not be there tomorrow, more people will feel the pressure to act immediately.

Carve Out Your Unique Selling Point

Whether your brand is new to the game or has a reputation, ad copy must complement your desired or existing reputation. For example, brands that are well-established and well-known as having low prices, quality customer service or fast delivery are not likely to be usurped by your brand targeting these areas.

As such, your ad copy should strive to carve out its unique selling point to audiences. This means focusing on how your brand sources local materials and labor, the quality of the products you provide, or whatever else may be a selling point that competitors do not have a monopoly on already.

Fulfill Your Audience’s Needs

While this can be difficult for brands that are new to the game, using your Google ad copy to effectively answer or address consumers’ needs maximizes potential. As your brand continues to grow and collect data, you’ll undoubtedly discover that your audience likes or dislikes various aspects of the purchasing process. They’ll also definitely have preferences in terms of how they buy, when they receive their goods, and so forth.

Pinging users with relevant info as a part of your ad copy – and cutting off at the pass any reservations they might have – can dramatically increase clicks and conversions.

These four tips can boost the effectiveness of your Google ad copy in ways that you may have not enjoyed prior. By providing information, fulfilling your audience’s needs, carving out your unique selling point and creating a sense of urgency, you’ll save money and boost engagement simultaneously.

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