Simple Ways to Increase Your Content’s Clout, Reach and Desirability

0 comments, 13/07/2014, by , in Marketing

SEO ToolsWebmasters and bloggers are on the lookout for any new way to boost their content’s exposure in new markets and with new audiences. As search engines perpetually revise the ways in which our content is displayed, indexed and retrieved by users through search, it becomes more and more difficult to determine how exactly to achieve success in the ever-changing world of SEO. Content has a way of finding its own way when cultivated properly, however, and you shouldn’t be worried that the climb for you from obscurity to notability is impossible. In the following article, we’ll discuss some simple ways that you can increase the clout, reach and desirability of your content with others, helping you to gain the exposure you seek.

Paid Augmentation

We’ve seen a huge shift in how people put content in front of others over the past few years. Two major trends in this game are social media and paid advertising. When pinging to Google your content in a certain niche, you’ll no doubt find that it takes time to rise to the top. With the right paid advertising campaign on Google, however, your ads can be prominently displayed for all to see who search in the same categories. Not only can you engage in paid advertising via search engines, but you can also do the same via social media. Combining these two newer trends – social media and advertising – can have a powerful effect. Best of all, premium advertising on any platform these days is relatively inexpensive.

Integrated Social Tools

Whether you run a static website or a blog, the sharing of your content with others is a prime objective. It stands to reason that you’ll want to incorporate as many sharing features as possible; after all, not everyone copies and pastes URLs in an email to share with friends and family. Many websites now automatically include embedded social media plugins that make it very easy for readers, customers and visitors to share content directly to their social status feeds from your website. This easy, one-click action can make the difference between virality and obscurity. Always be sure to have Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Google Plus sharing options activated so that you can get the most when it comes to socializing your content.

Persistent Social Updates

Depending on the social media networks you are using, the content you share may not be getting the exposure it deserves. The half-life or visibility of post on Twitter, for instance, is around 20 minutes. On Facebook, the same content will have about five hours before it begins to drastically decrease in popularity. Understanding these issues and dynamics is important, because it means that you need to be sharing content via social media on a regular basis! Your pages, profiles and content alike are all likely to wither away without multiple updates per day – although we recommend that you cycle updates so as not to only be posting about one piece of content over and over again. Just like pinging to Google a variety of unique forms of content boosts performance, the same can be said for variety and persistence on social media.

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