Simple Ways to Build SEO Credibility Without That Tedious Feeling

1 comment, 13/01/2014, by , in SEO

Tedious SEOEvery blog or website needs basic search engine optimization practices incorporated in order to rank well in search results and provide the necessary exposure that an online entity needs. Unfortunately, many aspects of SEO can be boring, time-consuming or simply feel too tedious to enjoy doing. It is vital that beginners stay focused on building up their credibility with search engines, social media and their respective audiences if they want to see results and stay enthused. Not all elements of SEO have to be dreadful, which means that many bloggers and content creators have turned to alternate forms of promotion that can create added value and provide SEO benefits as well. If you are seeking some new ways to improve SEO that do not require dealing with the newest algorithm considerations or understanding advanced content concerns, then you will appreciate these simple ways to build SEO credibility.

Simple Keyword Inclusion

Whenever you create a new blog post or article for site or social media, you can add plenty of SEO potential by utilizing one or two distinct keywords in its creation. You can think of this much like pinging YouTube videos with select tags: by using the titles and subheadings in your posts and articles to give each keyword more content, you can boost performance and make your main points stand out to readers. You will still need to incorporate each keyword once or twice throughout the remainder of your content, but this is a worthwhile and easy method for fast SEO results when handled properly.

Create Multimedia

There are two highly popular forms of multimedia that can help boost SEO potential and satisfy your audience. The first, infographics, can be a fun way to summarize key points of a topic, convey information to readers and completely dominate users’ social media status feeds. Infographics on average perform three times as well in terms of shares as traditional text via social media, so it is a surefire way to generate social signals and regular web traffic. The second way you can boost SEO is through pinging YouTube videos or videos through another host to your website, blog and social media profiles. People enjoy easily digestible content: videos and infographics are the two best examples of this.

Squeeze Into Recaps

Every industry, niche or general topic has one or more outlets out there that is dedicated to rounding up news from various blogs and websites within the category and sharing it with readers. Sites and blogs that produce valuable content via the examples mentioned above stand a good chance of being featured in these recaps. You can reach out to the owners and editors of these outlets to let them know of your existence and ask for their consideration. While there are no guarantees and this process is not very glamorous in terms of generating leads, you can easily and quickly contact relevant sources and – with enough effort – are virtually guaranteed to generate some additional attention for your blog, site or social media presence.


One comment

  1. March 9th, 2014 9:53

    Right… but a lot of people have been getting good ranking lately with their black hat SEO techniques… Isnt that bad?


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