Simple Solutions for Improving Video SEO

0 comments, 24/05/2014, by , in SEO

Video SEOAny content marketer should understand the value that various forms of content can have for promoting a blog, website, store or charity. When it comes to video content in particular, this can make or break some pitches, appeals and calls to action. Video results have increasingly become prominent in search engine results, especially in the wake of search engines like Google acquiring powerhouse video services like YouTube. By having a well-developed video presence on the web, your brand can gain plenty of new marketing potential – when done properly. In the following article, we’ll discuss some simple solutions you can use to boost video SEO potential and bring in more traffic.

Create Individual Landing Pages

If you are in possession of a ton of videos for your brand or business, then you want to ensure you’re getting the most SEO bang for your buck from each of them. All too often, brands rely upon a YouTube channel link or compiling all videos on one page in order to provide users with content. This can be very frustrating – especially when you have a lot of videos – for visitors, as they have to search through your content aimlessly in order to find the videos they desire. Instead, create a separate landing page for each video and then link each to one hub. That way, you are pinging URLs for each one and can maximize SEO potential across multiple search results.

Connect Videos Through Other Means

While it is good to have your videos on separate landing pages yet connected through a single page, you also want to strive to connect these videos in other ways so that users can find what they wish to watch (which will increase the likelihood of sharing). One of the most popular and common ways to do this is through the use of tags, which allows you to categorize like-minded videos with one another and makes it possible to quickly flip through each category. You’ll also want to create an embedded search form somewhere on your main video page so that users can also search by their own keywords. Maybe they watched a video before and wish to share it, but can’t remember the exact title: a search function will help them find it faster and boost exposure.

Tease with YouTube

While pinging URLs via YouTube is probably the easiest way to move up the ranks of search results, you also want to drive that traffic to your website in the end. One of the ways that many successful brands do this is by providing short versions of each video on YouTube. When viewers reach the end, they’ll be instructed to “click here for the full version” or something of similar sentiment. The full version of each video can be hosted on your own domain, which will also add SEO value, and ensure that people don’t just watch a couple of your videos on YouTube and then go about their lives without interacting further. A combination of YouTube and domain-related SEO video power is the best way to go in this case.

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