Perfect Your Customer Service on Social Media with These Tips

Colour Pencils Customer service may now be a more important concept in the world of business and brand management than ever before. The reason for this is rather simple: customers have more choices than ever before when it comes to where they can shop, and so inferior customer service can turn off customers who will simply go somewhere else. Many brands are now turning to social media as one solution for customer service relations. Virtually everybody on the web has a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account, so why not use the platform as both a marketing opportunity and customer service solution? Today, we’ll discuss how you can perfect your customer service approach on social media so that you can increase satisfaction, loyalty and/or profit.

Establish the Best Platform

Every audience and niche is different. Across different lifestyles and interests, you’ll find that different social media networks tend to be more dominant than others when it comes to what is most often used. Some brands will be better suited to use Instagram for customer service, while others may prefer to rely on Facebook. Before you begin pinging your website with links for customer service and support, be sure to do some prior research and determine where your existing audience is most active. If you are just starting your brand, then consider inspecting the competition to find out where their audiences are most active and/or prominent.

Be Personal

There are many different ways that social media can be used to connect with customers and subscribers. While automated scripts and bots can sometimes be used to touch base with people, they are not always appropriate. As such, it is necessary to approach social media customer service with a personal touch. The best way to do this is to forget about scripts and reply as soon as possible. Additionally, be sure to add another personal touch in the form of your name or initials; while you don’t necessarily have to use your real name, this method helps further humanize the brand to those contacting you.

Always Listen

It can be all too easy to forget about the individual opinions and experiences of your customers. After all, the policy regarding returns or shipping is clearly listed on the FAQs page, right? Despite the need to be firm and resolute in some situations, listening to the customer in their time of need is absolutely critical. Not only may you miss valuable information if you jump to conclusions or fail to truly listen, but you will also likely generate negative feelings that could spread and damage your brand in the eyes of others. By listening, you are treating the person as a human being: this is something they will be able to recognize, even via keystrokes and computer screens.

Building an effective social media customer service operation doesn’t happen overnight. It takes dedication, activity, practice and compassion in order to do it right. If you are wishing to start pinging your website with customer service options that involve social media, then be sure to first establish the best platform, be prepared to listen to people and always be willing to add a personal touch. This will help maximize the impact and positive benefit that the effort produces for your brand.

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