How Expert Content Marketers Build Links

0 comments, 28/02/2020, by , in Marketing, SEO

Content creation serves many important roles for online brands. First and foremost, an abundance of content gives users a reason to visit your website, whether you supply merely information or sell products and services as well. Content helps indicate to search engines that your website is active and therefore deserving of being prominently ranked in key search results.

Content can also be crucial in building links across the internet – another huge component of SEO. Without an ability to earn links, your brand’s online authority and trustworthiness will be reduced in the eyes of Google and other search engines. Nobody wants that to be the case.

As such, let’s take a look at how many expert content marketers and creators use their content to build links effectively.

Extensive Guides and How-tos

Those who are skilled, highly-informed or who are otherwise experts in their particular areas of study have much to offer. In many situations, they are able to provide complex data and explanations in ways that the rest of the population can understand. Perhaps where this is most valuable is in the form of tutorials, guides and how-to content.

As such, pinging search engines with extensive guides and tutorials can be a sure-fire way to build links. Professionals have been using this tried and true tactic for ages to earn backlinks across the web, as well-done, detailed content is freely shared among interested parties.

Visually-Pleasing Content

Content experts understand just how important the need for stimulating material is in earning attention. Not only do content creators need to keep people’s attention given all the other distractions in our highly digital lives, but earning backlinks is also easier done through the use of content that pleases visually.

While video marketing is a common example of this, not everybody has the time or ability to create professionally-edited videos. Other options include photo-rich blog posts and slideshows, as well as infographics. In fact, infographics remain one of the most popular forms of content when it comes to earning backlinks, so consider its use when wanting to earn new links and traffic.

Cooperate With Others

Many consider content creation to be an isolated endeavor, where an individual or single brand focuses on its own needs. However, experts have found great success in collaborating with other brands to build content offerings that provides synergy to all involved.

If you are able to create a piece of content hosted on your own website or blog – in conjunction with assistance from other brands – then you’ll be able to easily earn links back to it. For instance, a podcast featuring guests from other brands will almost certainly link back to your website, pinging search engines with additional mentions of your domain. There are ultimately many unique forms of content to consider where multiple brands can collaborate and cooperate for the purpose of building links.

Expert content marketers understand that content creation is but one part of the broader marketing process. Earning backlinks is a crucial component in improving content performance and brand awareness. With these tips – and other strategies – your brand can begin generating the kind of traffic, buzz and authority it deserves.

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