Make Facebook Love Your Page with These Quick Tips

0 comments, 15/12/2014, by , in Social Media

Facebook LoveFacebook, much like Google, has a variety of algorithms and quirks that determine who sees our pages and how often they are seen. Because of this, millions of page owners are trying to get the most out of their fanbase and likes by updating regularly and using a variety of other tactics to boost reach. Unfortunately, Facebook can be a lot like Google when it comes to having a positive or negative opinion of your page’s overall status. Regardless of how many likes your page may have, a poorly-received page according to Facebook algorithms will have a hard time attracting attention on its own. In the following article, we will discuss some quick tips that anyone can use to help boost exposure and make Facebook fall in love with your page once again.

Run Facebook Ads

Whether people like it or not, Facebook advertising is here to stay. In fact, many algorithm changes are the result of Facebook attempting to prioritize ad spending over organic reach. To grow your Facebook page’s audience and engagement these days, you are almost guaranteed to need to use advertising. How can Facebook advertising help you? Besides pinging users, ads can be used for three main objectives. The first is to build your audience through increasing page likes. The second has to do with promoting specific posts in order to increase engagement and discussion. The third is a loose association between external links and your Facebook page, known as dark posts. All of these elements can be used in an effective ad campaign to boost engagement, which in turn will boost your clout with Facebook.

Bring People Back

When your page is sure to produce quality content, visitors will continue coming back to read what you have to say. This repeat visitor traffic – when replicated over and over again – can boost your credibility within Facebook’s algorithms immensely. When Facebook sees that your user base is more likely to return multiple times on their own after first liking your page, then Facebook understands that people must think that your content is valuable. This, in turn, will ensure that the social network’s algorithms feature your page more prominently to other people who have already liked your page.

Encourage Series of Behaviors

When someone comes to your page and likes a post, that is a good thing. When somebody comes to your page and likes five posts and comments on two more, then that is a great thing. Facebook measures the level of intensity at which your followers interact; the more they interact with your page, the more relevant Facebook finds your page to be to an audience. Because of this, increased repetitive activity from your fanbase will ensure that more people who have already connected to your brand will see your updates as well. In addition to this, pinging users who aren’t fans yet (but who are friends of people who have liked/commented/shared your page) with social signals is possible; they will see what their friends are doing, and will become more likely to like and weigh in on the discussion.

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