The Data Any Social Media Manager Should Follow

0 comments, 23/05/2014, by , in Social Media

Social Media HeadWhether you have just started a social media presence or already have an extensive following across multiple platforms, you most likely have questions. The world of social media is constantly in shift and it is nearly impossible to know everything there is to know about what works best, when to do X and why to follow Y. Because of these nuances, metrics and analytics have become the gold standard for determining whether or not your current strategies are having an impact. Unfortunately, not all metrics are inherently useful for one task or another, so unless you know when to use what, it’s very much a case of pearls before swine. Which data should you be following at all times? Continue reading to find out.


The amount of interaction with your posts is a definite importance in measuring social success, as pinging users with content is done with there being an expectation of interaction. There are several analytics programs out there that can split off engagement data and break it down by social network, type of post and time of day. When you are able to see how each post is doing relative to its content type and network, then you can understand which decisions are better and which can be avoided in the future. Ultimately, monitoring engagement allows you to determine which content works best for your audience.


The most important element you can monitor regarding time, your scheduling of posts and content is paramount in understanding which strategies work best. If all of your content is posted in the wee hours of the morning, for instance, then you can probably expect a pretty low reach and poor response. But during the daytime hours, which hours are best? There is no simple answer; it depends on your audience and their tendencies. This is why monitoring the schedule of past posts is so vital – you can compare this to other metrics in order to determine which hours are best for publication.


Keeping an eye on your main competitors is a sure-fire way to ensure long-term success – for multiple reasons. First, you may be able to grab new ideas for content and quickly react to a changing environment. Next, you’ll be able to see when and where they are doing well, and can possibly replicate the efforts. Last but not least, you’ll also be able to find an array of individuals who may be interested in your brand: depending on the network, you may be able to use this to your advantage and lure them to your own social media profiles.


Finally, pinging users is all about assessing the macro of things, which means being aware of what is trending and changing in the world of social media. Most networks now have some form of “trending” feature, which can make it easy to determine what content will do well at any given time. If you can jump on the bandwagon soon enough, you may be able to ride wave after wave of success, all the while growing your reach with existing audiences and new audiences alike.

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