Quick Tips to Improve Your Exposure in Facebook News Feeds

0 comments, 08/07/2013, by , in Social Media

NewsfeedsRecently, the Facebook news feed underwent a massive overhaul, with plenty of new features and algorithms to prioritize content based on common interests, previous interactions and paid advertising campaigns. As a result, many Facebook page administrators have been experimenting with new ways in which to gain more exposure through this venue. Believe it or not, there are a few simple tactics that any page owner can use to improve their performance with followers and their friends. In the following article, we will outline a few of these tactics and explain how each can improve your page’s chances of being noticed.

Advertise Photos and Excellent Posts

It has been proven that Facebook photos garner more attention on average than traditional status updates and posts. While we may often wish to extrapolate on our interests, events and causes, there is a silver lining in this: most advertising campaigns excel when quality photography or imagery is used. Facebook page administrators are advised to review their most recent posts and compare the ‘Virality’ figure available for each – those with the highest virality are the best candidates for advertising campaigns. This will not only create a ripple of stories when viewers like the photo, but it will also ensure that your most well-received posts are being utilized in advertising campaigns.

Add Cover Photos and Tabs

While this action alone will not directly boost your exposure in news feeds, it does create the conditions for a temporary boost in page traffic, sharing and thus, exposure. Users will find your newly-redesigned Facebook page to be intriguing, which will lead to them exploring the new elements that have been added. Tabs can be created to give users access to off-site material and allow pages to be constantly pinging services via third-party applications, while a crisp, high-quality cover photo can further demonstrate your brand’s authority and professionalism.

Provide Consistent Updates

The news feed shows content that is recently published – in addition to content from pages and users with which said Facebook user often has interaction – so it is vital that you maintain a consistent strategy in regards to providing consistent updates. Not all Facebook users will catch every single feed you publish, nor will they find interest in every story or post. In addition to this, many users have now begun to unlike pages that they had liked in the past (thanks to the ‘Pages Feed’ tab, which can be found on the left-hand side of Facebook). For these reasons, it is crucial to craft valuable content on a regular basis, so as to remain relevant to your followers and consistently featured in news feeds.

Add New Followers

If you have saved email lists, then you can now use the Facebook page control panel to invite these people to connect with your page (assuming they have Facebook). Likewise, you should be pinging services that you have, such as Twitter and Pinterest, with your Facebook page for additional exposure. Some social networks allow you to share content between social media platforms, which will alert users on one platform that you are active on another. With a majority of social media users now actively connected to more than one network, you can boost support across all social media hubs – not just Facebook – in order to reach more people. The actions of individual users – particularly when coupled with advertising campaigns – will dramatically boost your exposure in news feeds.

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