How to Recycle and Rework Old Content to Give it a New Purpose

0 comments, 14/09/2012, by , in General

Old TypewriterIf you have ever faced the stress of devising multiple articles on the same topic, you know how frustrating it can be to come up with unique, quality content for each article. Perhaps you are designing multiple sites that cover a similar subject but with various targets (municipalities, for instance), or maybe you have exhausted your creativity when completing a batch of articles for a client. Whatever your situation, recycling previously used content gives your writing skills an added boost, making it easier to adapt your previous work into new creations. We have outlined a few simple tips to help get you on the right track when it comes to reviving your old content.

Dividing Up Existing Material

Have you authored an eBook, brochure or other large piece of content? You will be surprised at how many individual articles and pieces of content can be derived from such a publication. By taking a lofty eBook or similar item, breaking it down into pieces and rewriting each piece, you will easily be able to come up with several – if not dozens – of new and unique pieces of content that are ready for blogs, websites or any other publication. You can also consider inspecting content provided to you or your website from other contributors. Is there a quality post or comment from one of your subscribers on there? Use that to create a new piece of content.

Revive Old Posts

If you have been running a blog for some time, you may have dozens of pages of content. Chances are that most of your visitors do not read all of your content, and may only look at the first couple of pages. When you consider that many of your current visitors may not be the same visitors from months or years ago, you then can understand how this old content is gold in the rough. Fluff it, change the wording and re-post it for your new visitors to enjoy. This will save you time in many cases when it comes to adding new blog posts. We obviously do not advocate this method exclusively; you absolutely need new content injected into your sites and blogs on a regular basis.

Inspiring Emails

If you run a site or blog on a particular subject, then you probably receive information via email on the subject in question. For instance, individuals running political blogs may receive political updates via email on a daily basis. Consider scavenging through your emails for content that can be supplied to the reader. If you do not receive emails relevant to your site’s subject, considering signing up for email alerts, RSS feeds and the like to give you access to more news and therefore, more ideas.

Change Up the Keywords

Especially important when rewriting and recycling content is the art of balancing keywords with the new content. They obviously have to make sense in the altered context, so verify that you have done this before publishing. You will also want to make sure that the density of the keyword is still optimal; Pingler’s Keyword Density Checker can help you with that. Never simply copy word-for-word an old or existing piece of content, for fear of it penalizing your (or your client’s) ranking with major search engines.

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