How to Give Your Blog Readers the 5 Star Treatment

0 comments, 08/02/2013, by , in General, Marketing

5 StarWe often think of ways in which we can attract new readers and customers to our blogs without considering the focus that we should be applying to those who are already avid readers and subscribers. In many cases, the very same concepts that attract and reward loyal readers will also drive new traffic to your blog – whether it be through word of mouth, viral social sharing or simple search queries. By providing people with added incentive and special perks when they come to or subscribe to your blog, you can increase the likelihood that they will return again and again. We will cover some ideas for giving your readers the five-star treatment in the following article, which will hopefully make both your experience and theirs much better.

Subscription-Only Freebies

If you really want to boost the number of subscribers to your blog, then you have to consider offering rewards and promotions that are solely available to said subscribers. Many sites use this as an opportunity to demonstrate value and loyalty to their readers; perhaps you are not able to offer a free product or service, but you can at least offer discounts to those readers. There is also the ability for you to offer “insider information” or special discounts on other brands’ products – if they relate to the topic that your blog covers. Rather than pinging lists of these discounts directly on your blog, be sure to send them via email so only those subscribed can receive them.

Allude to Surprises

Maybe some of your readers are casual visitors who pop in at infrequent intervals. These readers may be missing out on unique content by not checking your blog often. If you can create a sales pitch in regards to subscribing in exchange for being in the loop, then you can make your casual readers become recurring visitors. Spice it up even more by alluding to the idea that ever so often, special surprise content will be published – perhaps with a limited time coupon for a great deal – and that missing out is simply not a choice.

Understanding the Art of Sharing

Are each of your email promotions utilizing elements of social sharing within them? Research has shown that emails that include deals or exclusive information are twice as likely to be shared than generic, Call To Action emails. By implementing a graphic interface with social sharing options like Facebook and Twitter, users will be more inclined to share the info with others via their networks. As always, there will also be those who share via traditional email (although this is harder to track).


Everybody wants to feel like they are a part of an exclusive club. If you can custom-tailor your blogging and subscription strategies around this simple fact, then you can personally tune in better to the sympathies and desires of your audience. Rather than pinging lists of emails for potentially interested parties, give your readers the incentive to provide you with their emails – this instantly guarantees higher response rates for your future emails to them.

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