Quick Tips for Pleasing Google with Your Writing

Typing WritingThe art of writing for websites and blogs is something that has changed quite a bit over the past decade. Most content from a decade ago was written with search engines specifically in mind – namely, select words and phrases were added to help Google, Yahoo and others determine how to classify the content and to what it pertained. While this is still a common practice today, search engines have become far more sophisticated in deciphering the content of every website. Because of this, there is a growing trend among bloggers and webmasters to write content as they would write in any other format rather than optimizing it with keywords and tags. If you want to please Google and ensure that your content is enjoyed by search engines and readers alike, then continue reading to find out how you can improve your writing style.

Use a Conversational Approach

By default, it is common for us to write as we speak. In the routine of carefully considering how you should be pinging your website to search engines and on social media, however, we often develop a different approach. When considering keywords, titles, post lengths and other variables, your writing style can become cramped and ineffective. It is highly recommended that you begin to ditch these elements for a more conversational approach to your writing. As Google becomes more and more sophisticated in terms of analyzing and classifying content, the need to “indicate” to search engines what your content is about becomes smaller and smaller. As long as you write quality content and stay on-subject, you can perform just as well as keyword-stuffed websites (that will sooner or later be penalized for these actions).

Diversify Your Page Optimization

There is no reason that the text of your article or post should appear uniform – search engines do look for titles, subheadings and other distinguishing elements to determine the quality and content of a post. Whenever you make a post, you should be sure to optimize your tags and be sure to properly format your content so that it is both aesthetically pleasing and capable of being indexed by search engines. This element of SEO is almost certain to always be valid in the world of rankings and performance, so you should make an effort to insert content in a fashionable method. When your content is aesthetically pleasing and organized, both search engines and readers alike will find it positive, which leads to higher rankings and more shares.

Incorporate Multimedia

Google loves to see multimedia-rich content on your website or blog, and it has never been easier to incorporate these elements into any post or page. Especially true with content management systems such as WordPress, you can be pinging your website to search engines with a variety of graphics, videos and presentations that will further emphasize your point to readers and augment the performance of your pages in search engines. An added bonus is that posts with multimedia tend to perform far better on social media than posts with simple text. As you seek to build a stronger relationship with Google via organic means, multimedia incorporation can play a vital role in such endeavors.

One comment

  1. January 19th, 2014 4:17

    Google looking forward user friendly content compared to search engine friendly content after several updates on their algorithm


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