Five Things That Every Brand Developer Can Learn from Apple

0 comments, 04/02/2013, by , in Marketing

Learn from AppleApple’s recent success in becoming the world’s largest company has brought an increased amount of attention to its business practices – with the main goal being to understand what has made Apple so great. Many may remember that there was a time in which Apple was a floundering company which nearly went bankrupt – ironically, when Steve Jobs was at the helm. Over the past fifteen years, Apple has managed to come back from the brink and charter an unparalleled path to success in the information and digital age. What lessons can other brands learn from Apple? Continue reading to find out what particular strategies can be used to build a powerhouse brand.

Clever Imitation

To be honest, there never has been anything that was revolutionary about most of Apple’s products. They didn’t invent the MP3 player – but many people have the impression that they did after the phenomenal success of the iPod. Sometimes, the reinvention of an existing product is the best way in which you can gain brand loyalty and recognition. Apple has succeeded with this approach in many areas – including the tablet industry – despite other companies not achieving the same results.

Detail Oriented

Another way in which brands can build their loyalty and appearance of quality is by focusing on the little details – many of which are ignored by some key businesses in any given industry. Whether you are pinging online information about your brand or are trying to gain brick and mortar exposure, you want to emphasize that your brand focuses on the little things. Many people subconsciously evaluate the details of a product to determine the quality that the business puts into its products. This has been a key advantage for Apple over the years.

Integrated Solutions

Does your brand simply offer a product, or does it try to incorporate multiple aspects of the lifestyle that pertain to the product? One of Apple’s biggest multimedia success stories has been the App Store; by offering integrated solutions for music, video and games, Apple can demonstrate the direct value of its product while also earning additional revenue. Brands that continue to earn revenue via a product tend to be highly successful.

Premium Products

Apple has generated much buzz about each and every one of its latest products. How does it continuously do so? While many gripe about the cost of many of Apple’s products, it also works in their favour: many people directly associate quality with price. By offering a “premium” solution to other, more “affordable” products, Apple continues to rake in the revenue and establish solid brand recognition.

Dedicated Following

There is no doubt that Apple’s success would not have been possible just through pinging online advertisements to potential customers or opening traditional stores. Apple has managed to gain the top spot in the tech industry due to its ability to achieve a “cult-ure” that keeps its followers constantly coming back again and again for new products – or even simple new versions of the same product. If you can tap into the creative and detail-oriented elements of your brand, then it becomes much easier to brand that identify and likewise, gain a loyal core group of followers.

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