What You’ll Need to Build a Great Website With Marketing in Mind

0 comments, 17/04/2016, by , in Marketing, Web Design

Building WebsiteSuccessful brands know the value of user experience when it comes to their online establishments. Not only will individuals fail to convert (or even return to the website) if the user experience is bad, but search engines also listen for these cues from those who visit and can likewise penalize you. Perhaps just as important as user experience, marketing effectiveness matters greatly. If you cannot do a good job at closing the deal with your potential customers, subscribers and readers, then all is in vain. Today, we’ll discuss some basic components that you’ll need for any great website to be successful when it comes to your marketing efforts.

Content Management Software

The first component of any great marketing website is a solid content management solution. This commonly comes in the form of an out-of-the-box solution such as WordPress, Drupal or Joomla. The primary reason why you need a CMS for excellent marketing results is due to the fact that CMS functionality makes it easy to publish content, integrate plug-ins, create forms and landing pages, and engage in a wide variety of other common marketing tactics. Additionally, content management solutions are also designed to function well with search engines. Pinging for SEO remains an important component of any marketing strategy, as such performance ensures that organic traffic supplements any additional marketing efforts.

Use Folders, Not Subdomains

Many marketing brands online prefer to use subdomains as a way to keep track of everything. Unfortunately, this is not necessary and can actually harm your search engine optimization efforts. Instead, use sub-folders on your one main domain in order to organize landing pages and other important sections of the website. This will ensure that your broader domain gets direct credit for all content present on it (something that can sometimes be thrown into disarray when using subdomains). While this subtle change won’t produce any notable benefit in terms of converting more people who come to your site, it will help more people organically come across your pages in search.

Design for People

The user experience for any brand or website is paramount to long-term success. While we must build our websites with search engine optimization and technical marketing methods in mind, the overall user experience determines whether people will find anything we have to offer valuable. Because of this, it’s necessary to do the proper research and determine what exactly people are looking for when they search for terms you’re targeting or are interested in products/services in your niche. From here, you’ll want to make sure that the overall design includes this information and is accessible in a way that users across all devices (mobile, desktop, tablet, etc) can appreciate. This helps with both pinging for SEO and converting visitors into customers who return again and again.

Building a successful marketing campaign via your website requires dozens of optimizations and considerations, but these three simple tactics will ensure a healthy balance of success in both people-powered and technical ways.

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