Want More Subscribers? Follow These Easy Tips

0 comments, 18/04/2016, by , in Marketing

Follow TipsWhether you curate a monthly online magazine or you are responsible for a successful mailing list, there are plenty of reasons why you should strive to keep subscribers happy. Customers, readers or even just those who have demonstrated prior interest can be hard to reach even with great mailing lists and targeted marketing campaigns. Even successful subscription services understand that there is a constant need to grow and expand the user-base, and this is why so many focus on ways to improve subscription rates. Below, we’ll discuss a few easy tips that you can use to increase the number of subscribers you generate for your blog, magazine, website or mailing list.

Incentivize the Process

Only the most enthusiastic and knowledgeable will subscribe to your service or mailing list without added bonuses or information. Perhaps the easiest way to boost subscription numbers is to offer some sort of incentive or prize for those who do. This can be anything from a free e-book to a coupon for products that you offer in your store. Pinging users with these offers will provide some added motivation to subscribe that they might not otherwise have.

Place Forms Wisely

Another great way to boost subscribers is to ensure that your subscription pleas and forms are well-positioned on your website. Using elements such at heat-maps to determine where users are looking and clicking the most, you can determine where would be the best places on each page to plug your subscription offers. These forms should not only be placed in ideal positions, but they should also stand out: whether you use bright colors, big fonts, or other elements that draw attention to it, make sure that people notice your subscription forms (without being gaudy).

Always Be Promoting

You have so many opportunities in which to promote your subscription services: make sure you are taking advantage of them! While subscription forms on each page of your website will definitely help, be sure to also include pop-up reminders. Additionally, don’t forget about social media. Not only can you include subscription buttons via apps built into most social media profile pages, but you can also send out the occasional tweet or status update to remind people of the service, its benefits, and any incentives they’ll receive when subscribing.

Ensure It Can Be Shared

While your posts to social media about subscribing can obviously be shared by other, can your standalone subscription pages be shared as well? Do you have standalone subscription pages for this very purpose? Pinging users with requests to subscribe may prove fruitful, but you’ll miss opportunities in the form of those who do and who wish to share with others if you do not have ample sharing functions. Make sure that social media sharing widgets are integrated with your subscription forms if you truly want to reap the rewards and generate more subscribers.

By ensuring your subscription forms can be shared, promoting your services via social media and elsewhere, placing your subscription forms wisely on every page and incentivizing the process, you’ll


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