Discover What Your Customers Really Want With These Tools

0 comments, 16/04/2016, by , in Plugins and Tools

Maze RouteBrands and businesses in the pursuit of stronger bottom lines understand just how valuable elements such as customer service, brand recognition and satisfaction truly are to success. Those focused on sales in particular know how difficult it can be to convert new customers and generate repeat business when there is a disconnect of some sort. Figuring out just how your customer base feels and what it thinks is crucial to long-term success. There are many tools out there that are designed to help businesses discover the inner workings of customers; we’ll discuss a few of them here today so that you can take advantage of them.

Sugar CRM

If you’re looking for a multi-faceted piece of customer relationship management software that can unlock the hidden desires of your customers, then you’ll want to consider Sugar CRM. Not only does Sugar CRM offer the standard analytics functions that you’d expect with any CRM software, but it also includes a variety of other useful tools. Thanks to its useful integration with a variety of other useful customer relationship tools, you’ll be able to automate, personalize, customize and interact with every strategy and business practice you can imagine. From content enabling to social sales monitoring, Sugar CRM helps simplify the analysis for those who spend way too much time pinging servers for detailed customer-level data.


One big obstacle for many businesses who want to try new customer software is the lack of integration offered for existing data. With Touchpoint, you’ll be able to take any and all existing data-points collected and integrate them within its system. The company explains the tool’s mission with a simple phrase: “walk a mile in your customer’s shoes”. The software allows users to customize consumer data in a variety of ways, including charts, maps and more. Users will be able to share data across devices and collaborate with the use of notes, audio files and more – in essence, creating a virtual pin-board that documents customers’ journeys with your website and brand.


Being able to observe what your customers are doing and to respond with the best approaches is a key goal for businesses and brands. With Thunderhead, you’ll be able to visualize the experience of customers, engage with them in effective ways and learn from your mistakes. The software does a great job of observing your customers as they interact with the brand, recording how and when they interacted with various marketing components. The tool then will make recommendations to brands on how best to improve conversion and engagement rates based on customer behavior. The software in effect learns over time, and will then find ways to intuitively and intelligently anticipate what future customers want based on how previous ones reacted when pinging servers on your website.

In order to maximize profitability, engagement and brand recognition, learning from your customers is crucial. These three tools can each be a vital component in the war for better bottom lines and will help online brands and businesses determine what their customers truly want.

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