Want to Boost Twitter Engagement? Here’s How to Get Started

0 comments, 04/01/2019, by , in Marketing, Social Media

The business landscape has changed rather dramatically over the past two decades. As the internet became more and more of a way of life, social networks formed and became not just a way to engage with friends and family, but for businesses to engage with customers. Today, there is a huge emphasis on a company’s social network engagement, with Twitter being one of the most prominent social network platforms.

If your company is new to using Twitter, or you just don’t find you’ve been getting the kind of results you were after, it could be that you need to find a way to boost your level of engagement. This can seem like a daunting task, especially for those small businesses that don’t have a dedicated digital marketing department. In order to make the process smoother and easier, here’s a look at the various ways you can boost your Twitter engagement.

Tweet on a Regular Basis

The first tip, and perhaps the most important, is that you need to be Tweeting on a regular basis. If your company is only posting Tweets once in a rare while, then you can’t expect people to be interested and follow you. Now this doesn’t mean you need to flood Twitter with dozens of Tweets each day, it’s about finding balance.

Get Into the Habit of Retweeting

If you aren’t in the habit of retweeting others’ tweets, it’s time to change your way of thinking. This is a great way to engage with people and it shows that you value their content. When they see you are engaged in what they are doing, they can’t help but to take notice of you.

Comment on People’s Tweets

When people do Tweet about your company, be sure to engage and Tweet back at them. This personalises your company, which goes far with consumers. They want to know there is an actual person behind those Tweets who is paying attention and reading what others have said.

Share Links in Your Tweets

Another way to boost engagement is to ensure that your Tweets are interesting. Sharing links can do just that. You can include links to content on your own site of course, but also link to content that others have posted. It’s all about increasing your audience, and sharing links can certainly help. By sharing links to content not created by you, it also helps your Tweets to feel less like a marketing play and again it humanises the company.

Make Use of Images Whenever Possible

Statistics show that when you use an image in your Tweet, it increases retweets by a whopping 150%! So if you aren’t using images, you’re missing out on a great opportunity.

Keep the Tweets Brief

Of course, you always want to be sure you are mindful of the length of your Tweets. Keep them brief and straight to the point.

There Are Plenty of Ways to Get Results

When it comes to boosting your Twitter engagement, the good news is that there are plenty of ways to get results, as these tips show.

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