Three Types of Useful SlideShare Content for Marketing

0 comments, 11/08/2015, by , in Marketing

Slide FilmSlideShare is an interesting utility that seemingly came out of nowhere, being propelled into relevance largely by content marketers. Its ease of use, aesthetically pleasing designs and widely-accepted format, all combined with SEO functionality to make it a highly desirable content marketing element for just about anyone. The world of content marketing isn’t just about creating content, but it is about creating content that impresses audiences and establishes brands as authorities in a given niche. Below, we’ll review three types of useful SlideShare content you can put to use today in order to improve your long-term marketing prospects.

Recycled Content

Whether the content belongs to you or is a mixture of various other creators’ content, recycling existing content into SlideShare format is an excellent way to produce something of value from something that may seem exhausted. In some cases, SlideShare mash-ups or “top ten” lists within the niche can be a great way for you to showcase the talents of others while also establishing yourself as an authority on quality. When you’ve run low on ideas, the repurposing of older blog content into a new SlideShare project can help you reiterate excellent ideas in a new format and reach new audiences at the same time. Not only will you be pinging for SEO with recycled content, but you’ll be busting through those challenging times when fresh ideas seem to be absent.

Evergreen Content

There is no reason whatsoever that content that stands the test of time – often referred to as evergreen content – shouldn’t be featured in the form of a SlideShare. In most cases, forms of evergreen content such as how-tos and tutorials can be displayed via SlideShare much better than they can through simple blog posts, or even infographics. The format of SlideShare allows users to peruse a bit at a time, helping them to avoid becoming overwhelmed by a seemingly never-ending article or a large infographic. Combined with the utility’s natural tendency of reach and how easily it is to be pinging for SEO due to the platform’s prominence in search, you’ll appreciate the number of clicks and shares it generates over time (and your readers will appreciate the easy-to-digest format).

Collaborative Content

While many brands may have a “go-it-alone” preferred strategy for content creation, there is no better way to generate authority for brands and provide excellent content than through the use of collaborative efforts. When several leading authority figures in a given niche decide to come together in order to collaborate on content, the result is one that can be widely shared and generate a massive amount of engagement for all brands involved. Not only will authority and trust be generated among readers by having many different individuals working together to produce the content, but the overall reach of the content in question means that those involved will be seen by audiences that they otherwise might never reach. Whether it be through each collaborator’s website or via social media, project amplification with SlideShare collaborative content makes the concept irresistible for most.

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