The Best Types of Affordable Content for Your Business’ Website

0 comments, 26/09/2013, by , in General

Affordable ContentAny small business or blogger who runs a monetized web presence knows that the balance between content and marketing is a careful and deliberative act. While content is king and always will be, a certain level of exposure is necessary in order to get your message out to the public. Where content is the platform through which interest and demand is generated, marketing is the key to driving that trend. Marketing tends to be more expensive than content creation, so it is vital that you work within certain confines to ensure that your content strategy is both affordable and effective. Below, we will discuss a few types of content that virtually any business or website can employ to boost awareness and deliver quality to its readers and customers.


Once just a small operation, SlideShare has grown into a massive form of content distribution in just a short period of time. SlideShare’s easy to use interface allows users to create presentations, e-books and other forms of content in mere minutes. Even better is the near universal acceptance that SlideShare offers in terms of website and social media integration. SlideShare offers free and premium versions, but both forms allow users to integrate pictures, video, audio and more into the presentation. If you have a message and want to share it with your audience in a cost-effective and interactive fashion, then you must consider SlideShare in your content strategy.


This is the simplest and most straightforward way to deliver affordable and effective content to your readers. A small business or website can employ numerous types of content, but very few rival the effectiveness and affordability that a blog can provide. In many cases, daily blog posts can be created in just a few minutes, giving web masters ample opportunity and time to focus on marketing efforts. If you want users to be pinging your website with social signals and shares, then a blog that covers various elements of your brand and other relevant topics is a sure-fire way to drum up interaction and conversions.


A great way to cover any subject in depth, an e-book can give web masters and small businesses the ability to distribute content in a laissez-faire method. Users will not feel overwhelmed and can read your e-book at their leisure, while your brand will enjoy the aura of being helpful – if you provide this e-book to readers for free, then you will be viewed as providing a valuable service without any strings attached. An e-book is ripe with opportunities for plugs, conversions and leads, so be sure to utilize your e-book as a way to attract more readers and customers to your products and services while pinging your website to a larger audience.


Affordable and effective content is the future of internet marketing. Your brand will grow when you utilize the above mentioned forms of content in conjunction with a viable marketing strategy. You should not spend tons of money on content creation; instead, utilize these dollars for exposure and develop these low-cost content solutions in-house in order to be as effective as possible.

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