Posts tagged with Videos

Comments Off on How to Add Videos to Your Shopify Store, 05/12/2022, by in Online Business, Start Up Businesses

Businesses have been moving online in large numbers recently with the number of people spending money on online stores increasing. Regardless of the service or platform a business uses to sell its products, providing a great user experience is a must in such a competitive business environment. Busin... Read more...

Comments Off on How Transcribing Your Videos and Podcasts Can Benefit Your Brand, 04/12/2017, by in Online Business

Every brand wants to maximize their online footprint. Whether it is selling products or gaining subscribers, virtually every website has incentive to drive as much traffic to their pages as possible. This often involves creating multiple forms of content that can appeal to various segments of an aud... Read more...

Comments Off on Common and Potential Reasons Your Videos Are Bombing, 06/11/2017, by in Online Business

Multimedia offerings have become increasingly popular as more brands seek to compete for the loyalty and attention of users. As mobile devices continue to become faster and more powerful, the amount of video content consumed by users on a daily basis has skyrocketed. This has led to everybody – fr... Read more...

Comments Off on Transform Your Tutorial Videos Into Selling Machines, 19/01/2017, by in Marketing, Online Business

Every element on your website should serve some purpose. Whether it provides a functional or aesthetic charm, the goal is to ensure that every visitor can adequately find what they need. Websites that provide products and services to consumers especially have to be considerate of this dynamic, as ev... Read more...

Comments Off on How to Maximize the SEO Potential of Your Videos, 07/09/2016, by in Online Business, SEO

Search engine optimization is such a vast concept that many forget to focus on a variety of tasks. Whether you are concentrating on content concerns, link building, marketing efforts or on-page considerations, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the amount of planning it takes to be successful. Wit... Read more...

Comments Off on A Simple Guide to Creating Your YouTube Business Page, 22/03/2016, by in Online Business, Social Media

Businesses and brands have to stay on top of all of the latest trends. The internet places plenty of demands on brands and businesses these days, which include demands for a constant supply of content. Content creators increasingly have had to become more creative in order to rank well in search and... Read more...

Comments Off on The Best Ways to Leverage Videos for SEO Potential, 02/03/2016, by in Online Business, SEO

As the nature of SEO continues to become more complex and multi-faceted, so do the demands placed on bloggers and webmasters to deliver great content, well-optimized websites and palpable marketing strategies. With many different types of content present on a website, the ability to appeal to everyo... Read more...

Comments Off on Videos Can Hurt User Experience and Engagement? Find Out How, 01/03/2016, by in Marketing, Online Business, SEO

Rich media and content is in high demand these days, thanks in large part to search engines now prioritizing websites that provide this type of content (among other things). In order to build an effective SEO and content marketing strategy for your brand, you need to have a balanced portfolio when i... Read more...

Comments Off on Adding Video to Your Site’s Content Mix, 14/11/2015, by in Online Business, Social Media, Web Design

Websites like YouTube are continuing to grow in popularity and there’s no sign of them slowing down any time soon. In fact, even Facebook has been pushing the use of videos on their newsfeeds by making them auto play for their users. So you really shouldn’t neglect using videos on your website o... Read more...

Comments Off on The Reasons Why Your Blog Should Create Podcasts and Videos, 26/10/2015, by in Online Business

Content creation in 2015 can be frustrating and time-consuming. In order to please audiences, content continuously has to be made better and more intricate, due to the competition other content creators bring to the table. In addition, search engines continue to become pickier with respect to which ... Read more...