The Best Ways to Leverage Videos for SEO Potential

0 comments, 02/03/2016, by , in Online Business, SEO

SEO KeyAs the nature of SEO continues to become more complex and multi-faceted, so do the demands placed on bloggers and webmasters to deliver great content, well-optimized websites and palpable marketing strategies. With many different types of content present on a website, the ability to appeal to everyone is enhanced. Search engines recognize this and reward brands that strive to give their audiences everything they want. Videos have become a very powerful (and relatively uncontested) piece of territory in the battle for great SEO. Continuing our theme from the past two days, we’ll talk about videos and how they can be used to get the most out of your SEO experience.

Use Every Tag and Every Area

Whether you intend to upload videos directly to your website or host them through a video service like YouTube, it is important to clearly define to search engines what the video entails. Pinging search engines with videos will not produce results if the descriptions, tags and titles are not optimized for search engines to read. Optimizing video titles is very important – just as important as optimizing blog post titles – and can be the biggest single factor in improving video-based SEO. Additionally, it is important to focus on fully fleshing out keywords and descriptions through the use of tags, meta data, annotations and more. All of these combined will help clearly articulate what your video entails and can help it stand above the rest in a given niche.

Go for Quality

While the quality of videos cannot be directly ascertained by search engines in most ways, they can determine whether or not viewers of your videos find them to be interesting or acceptable. Low-resolution videos and those with poor production value tend to result in higher bounce rates for these videos, which Google and Bing love to analyse. As such, it is vital that every video produced features as much quality production, narration and sub-titles (if applicable) as possible. This makes it possible for you to appease even the pickiest of visitors, and will slowly but surely help to build overall influence of each video in question.

Optimize Experience for Mobile

If you are currently uploading videos directly to your site, then there may be at least one reason to reason to reconsider this approach: mobile users. While embedding videos uploaded to YouTube and other sources can be a great way to accommodate people across all devices, “in-house” embedded videos may be more difficult to optimize for SEO. Sites such as YouTube are not only built for optimal SEO potential in search engines, but they seamlessly work with most mobile devices. As such, you will not have to worry about potential conflicts in software or operating systems across multiple devices when using this type of service.

With a majority of YouTube’s video hits coming from mobile devices – while simultaneously being owned by Google – you will not have to worry about either bad SEO or a bad mobile user experience. When it comes to SEO, pinging search engines with videos that you’ve uploaded to YouTube is one of the best ways in which to maximize SEO and optimize video experience for mobile users simultaneously.


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