How Transcribing Your Videos and Podcasts Can Benefit Your Brand

0 comments, 04/12/2017, by , in Online Business

Every brand wants to maximize their online footprint. Whether it is selling products or gaining subscribers, virtually every website has incentive to drive as much traffic to their pages as possible. This often involves creating multiple forms of content that can appeal to various segments of an audience.

Unfortunately, some forms of content do not provide crossover value with search engines and visitors alike. Take podcasts and videos as one example. While anybody can certainly watch or listen to these forms of content, those who would prefer reading them are out of luck – unless you have transcriptions for each.

Today, we’ll talk about why transcribing your videos and podcasts can actually provide benefit to your brand.

Better SEO Outcomes

Having as much content on your website as possible is crucial in augmenting long-term SEO outcomes. While videos and podcasts actually do provide ample SEO value when attributed and optimized properly, pinging search engines with transcripts for each piece of content can likewise provide benefits as well. Unlike other forms of content duplication, you won’t be penalized for sharing transcripts via your blog or other pages of the videos and podcasts in question.

This means that you can quite easily generate two pieces of content for every one podcast or video made. Ultimately, that provides excellent value in terms of augmenting your SEO influence.

Additional Content to Share

As was mentioned before, not everybody prefers to ingest content via the same methods. You may have some great interviews or commentary in a podcast or video that sizeable segments of your audience will never otherwise hear or see. When crafting content like this, that is the number one downside.

With transcripts of each piece of content, however, you have an opportunity to reach those who prefer reading over listening and watching. This can be a great way to further expand each piece of content’s reach – and therefore expand your brand’s overall reach.

More Traffic

Because of the effects mentioned above, your website can generate a substantial amount more traffic via transcripts. In fact, studies show that anywhere from 5 to 10% of major podcast websites’ traffic flows to transcripts rather than the original podcasts. This means that pinging search engines with this offering can actually catch a relatively large number of people you’re currently missing.

In addition to that, it provides a way to attract those types via social media, email and other venues. Much how many people prefer to have an option between text-only and HTML email updates, pushing both a podcast/video option and a transcript option to individuals is guaranteed to push more traffic to your website. This has the notable benefit of generating additional views for other pages and pieces of content on your website as well.

With multiple benefits for any brand that chooses to transcribe their videos and podcasts, it is difficult to imagine anybody not choosing to take advantage of the idea. Transcribing content is easily done and provides immense value in the form of better SEO, more traffic and better reach within your target audience. By pursuing this strategy, your brand will be able to easily improve its presence and influence within its niche and better contest targeted audiences against the competition.

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