The Top 3 Free Marketing Channels

0 comments, 23/01/2023, by , in Marketing, SEO, Social Media

Picking the right marketing channel is critical because the one(s) you choose can work for and with you or backfire. You cannot afford to waste money when you have a small or nonexistent marketing budget and so you should consider free marketing channels if you are in such a situation. So, which are the best free marketing channels to consider for your business?

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is an excellent option for entrepreneurs looking for a free marketing channel. This is also a very powerful channel that can drive sales, growth, and revenue if used right. Almost half of the world uses at least one social media platform every day, meaning there is massive potential for different types of businesses.

For the best results, start by picking the best social media platform for your business. This will be determined by the demographics you are targeting, the types of content you want to use, and how much effort you want to put into mastering the platform. The platforms should also make it easier to achieve your goals and objectives.

Next, you need to know how to create relationships with your audience. It is these relationships that turn visitors and followers into paying customers. Lastly, be consistent.

Email Marketing

Email marketing has a very high return on investment, typically much higher than social media’s if used right. In addition to being free, marketers love that it is free of outside influences. For example, social media algorithms can influence your reach, but nothing can do this to your email marketing. You are in total control. There are numerous free email marketing tools and platforms you can use, although you will need to pay to get premium and advanced features.

Businesses can send numerous types of emails including welcome, abandoned cart, follow up, reengaging and remarketing, and promotional emails. As with social media, you need to provide value and be consistent. Both will help prevent your emails from landing in spam folders which can tank your marketing options.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the process of trying to get websites and their pages to rank as high as possible on search engine optimization pages.  It can help you expose your brand to people interested in your niche. SEO can be time-consuming, but the effort is worth it when you start to rank seeing how many searches are done every minute.

Content creation, backlinks, and website optimization are critical parts of SEO, although there certainly are other things that fall under the SEO umbrella. Start by researching ranking keywords and then create helpful and relevant content surrounding those keywords. Next, optimize your website for SEO by ensuring it uses titles, meta descriptions, and schema content correctly.

Also, keep the content on your website up to date. This is something Google prioritizes because up-to-date content is more likely to be relevant and useful to a user. While you may not be able to update a podcast or YouTube video, for example, you can always revisit and update old content or create new, relevant content for these platforms.

You do not need a lot of money to start marketing your business. You can use the free channels discussed above as they can produce great results when used right.

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