4 Email Marketing Tips that Actually Work

0 comments, 14/05/2021, by , in Marketing

Many business owners start out believing that email marketing is something that should be avoided due to its association with spam. However, the truth is that as long as you are doing it right and using the right email marketing strategies, it is actually one of, if not the most effective way to win over customers and build your relationship with existing clients. Most people check their emails every day and might be interested in seeing more relevant and well-thought-out content in their inbox. With that in mind, here are some email marketing tips that actually work.

Use the Right Email Marketing Platform:

First things first – choosing the right email marketing CRM platform can make a huge amount of difference to your campaign. The right tool will provide you with access to your marketing lists at the click of a button and allow you to segment your contacts into different lists so that you can easily decide what content to send to different demographics, existing customers, new prospects, and more. You should also look for an email marketing program that comes with an easy-to-use email design tool. This allows you to create stunning, responsive email designs that encourage the reader to find out more.

Optimize for Mobile:

When you open your emails, you are probably using your smartphone to check them – and that is the case for over half of email users around the world today. Email apps have made it easier than ever for us to check our emails on the go, so it is essential to optimize your marketing emails for mobile – failing to do this will simply result in them not getting much attention. Making sure that your emails are easy to read and browse, and that links can easily be clicked on and followed through on any smartphone screen is a critical step in setting up your email marketing campaign.

Get Marketing Consent:

It can be tempting to buy a ton of data and send as many emails as possible, but the truth is that this does not often render the best results because the recipients have no idea what you do or why you are contacting them. In most cases, your emails might not even make it through the spam filter. For this reason, it pays to be creative in getting marketing email consent. Place strategic opt-in forms on your website and offer something of value, like a free short eBook, to anybody who provides you with their contact information for a marketing list.

Ask for Feedback:

Last but not least, consistently asking for feedback from your recipients will provide you with the information that you need to make improvements over time and ensure that your marketing content is being received well. Periodically, add a short survey to your marketing emails and perhaps encourage recipients to take part with a prize draw to get more information on what they are looking for and the content that they have enjoyed so far.

With the right strategies in place, email marketing can be one of the best ways to improve your outreach and gain more customers.

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