Email vs Push Notifications: Which is Better?

0 comments, 08/12/2022, by , in Marketing

Every marketer is looking for marketing channels which produce the best results and with the best return on investment. Push notifications and emails are two of the most effective marketing and communication tools that help increase conversions and sales. They are different, should be used in different situations, and have their pros and cons. So, how do they compare, and which one is better?

Email Vs. Push Notifications

Both email and push notifications are incredibly useful for helping you recover abandoned carts, increase user engagement, increase conversions, and boost sales. Used properly, they can be incredibly useful tools for growing your business.

Before we look at their pros, cons, and differences, let’s look at some facts. Email is much slower than push notifications and is only seen if someone opens their email client. Push notifications, on the other hand, are instantaneous and users see them immediately as long as their phone is on and they are looking at it.

The average email open rate is 22% depending on the industry, while push notifications have an average open rate of 90%. The opt-out rate for push notifications is much higher than that of emails, with the former having a much higher engagement rate than the latter unless the email has links within it.

There is also a chance of emails being sent to spam and remaining unopened, while users can opt out of push notifications or hide them.

Email Pros and Cons

The advantages of using email include:

  • Low costs and high return on investment
  • Wide availability – Most people with internet access have full-time access to their emails
  • Better for longer content
  • Better customizability
  • They do not have time limits

Email has some disadvantages, too:

  • They can be tiring if sent too frequently
  • There is usually a lot of competition for attention in people’s inboxes
  • Some email services like Gmail can consider your email low priority leading to low open rates, conversions, and visibility

Push Notification Pros and Cons

Push notifications also have some pros and cons. Some of their advantages include:

  • Easy to subscribe – Subscribing typically involves clicking a button
  • Messages are sent immediately and received in near real time – Customers do not have to open a client to open push notifications
  • Push notifications can produce better engagement by adding urgency and inducing fear of missing out
  • Users cannot provide fake details when subscribing
  • They are very easy to personalise for individuals

Some of the downsides of push notifications include:

  • They cannot be used for lengthy content
  • They provide limited media options
  • They can get excessive – Some businesses misuse them due to their high click-through rates

Which is Better?

Email is much better for lengthier promotional content. Businesses can also set up drip campaigns that lead users down a funnel much more easily. Emails are also great for different types of content and messaging including promotions, upselling, abandoned cart reminders and more.

Push notifications are great as reminders and for conveying urgency. Their easy-to-subscribe option, personalization, and higher click-through rates are also a plus.

Email and push notifications are two different tools with strengths and weaknesses. Both are better in different situations, so it would be best for businesses to use them together for the best results.

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