Posts tagged with Customers

Comments Off on 5 Ways to Reward Loyal Customers, 27/11/2016, by in Online Business

As many businesses have come to discover, keeping hold of loyal customers is one of the keys to success. It takes a lot of work to get those loyal customers in the first place, so putting in a little effort to keep them just makes sense. One way of doing this is to reward those customers that are de... Read more...

Comments Off on Why Your Customers Aren’t Engaged and How to Turn It Around, 24/11/2016, by in Online Business

Exposure is no longer the main metric on which you should measure the success of your internet marketing campaign. User engagement is valued more than exposure, making it the current target to aim for. Even search engines now value user engagement more. Google started tracking time-on-site and ot... Read more...

Comments Off on 5 Gestures That Can Earn Your Customers’ Loyalty, 10/11/2016, by in Making Money, Marketing, Online Business, Start Up Businesses

While there is a big push to find new customers, there is just as much emphasis on gaining loyalty from existing customers so they continue to do business with you. So how do you go about earning their loyalty? We took a look at different tips and ideas and have listed the top five that you can star... Read more...

Comments Off on How to Boost the Average Purchase Amount of Your Customers, 26/07/2016, by in Making Money, Online Business

Online stores and businesses have many different needs and tasks to consider on a daily basis. Whether a business deals exclusively with online sales or provides both in-store and online services, there are plenty of tweaks that can be made in marketing, customer service and other areas to improve t... Read more...

Comments Off on Make Your Customers Gripe with These Classic Problems, 22/06/2016, by in Making Money, Online Business

Online businesses face an unprecedented amount of competition and stress. Not only do online stores have to compete with countless other brands on the web, but also with existing brick and mortar establishments. As such, even the smallest of problems can leave the wrong taste in a potential consumer... Read more...

Comments Off on Perfect Your Customer Service on Social Media with These Tips, 11/05/2016, by in Online Business, Social Media

Customer service may now be a more important concept in the world of business and brand management than ever before. The reason for this is rather simple: customers have more choices than ever before when it comes to where they can shop, and so inferior customer service can turn off customers who wi... Read more...

Comments Off on Improve How Customers View Your Online Store, 08/05/2016, by in Online Business, Web Design

E-commerce is a rapidly growing segment of consumerism in our society. It comes as no surprise that many industries experience double-digit percentage growth from year to year in their profits derived from e-commerce, as millions upon millions of new people connect to the internet from all over the ... Read more...

Comments Off on Discover What Your Customers Really Want With These Tools, 16/04/2016, by in Plugins and Tools

Brands and businesses in the pursuit of stronger bottom lines understand just how valuable elements such as customer service, brand recognition and satisfaction truly are to success. Those focused on sales in particular know how difficult it can be to convert new customers and generate repeat busine... Read more...

Comments Off on How to Ensure Your SEO Clients Remain Your Clients, 22/07/2015, by in SEO

SEO is a constantly-evolving field of study for countless enthusiasts, and a needed element for just as many brands and businesses who wish to maintain a level of influence in search and beyond. Between all of the freelance SEO agents and SEO firms available for hire, someone in need has a lot of co... Read more...

Comments Off on Gathering Feedback Is Important – Here Are Three Plugins to Help You Do That, 30/03/2015, by in Online Business, Plugins and Tools

While content is the basis of a website and makes it all possible, your visitors are the most important outside element of the equation. Without them, what purpose would your website serve? It stands to reason that their thoughts and opinions are valuable insights into what you're doing well and wha... Read more...