SugarSync – The Latest Solution for Online File Storage

0 comments, 14/02/2013, by , in Gadget Reviews

Online File StorageIn the age of cheap storage and cloud computing, a variety of file sharing options have exploded onto the web. With the ability to instantly sync and access files from just about anywhere, some traditional hosting services have felt their business decline as users move to more streamlined methods of file sharing and storage. The newest solution to file storage for consumers of digital media is SugarSync, and it intends to make a huge name for itself in this rapidly emerging field. If you are interested in a free, new way in which you can share and store files, then continue reading to find out more about this service.

Access Whenever

For those who find themselves on the road quite often, SugarSync will be a godsend. Likewise, working with multiple computers can be much easier when you have a universal file sharing system that can be accessed from all desktops or laptops. Not only can you view the files, but you can also edit and modify any data necessary – which is then synced with the SugarSync server. With unparalleled access like this, you can feel secure in leaving your bulky hard drives and laptops behind while still having the ability to access all of your important files from anywhere in the world.

Instant Syncing

Having physical storage comes in handy, but with SugarSync, you will definitely find less of a need for it. Businesses and individuals alike can benefit from being able to crowd-source and collaborate on projects, having their updates instantly pinged to the file sharing system and broadcast to everyone else who has access. Whether you are working on an office document from home that will need to be ready in the morning at work or simply wishing to share photos with friends, SugarSync’s instant syncing makes it something which we will all end up taking for granted.

Mobile Access

With your data securely stored on SugarSync, you can access it via mobile phone from anywhere in the world. There are versions of the app that work on iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile and Symbian systems, guaranteeing that virtually anyone with a mobile phone can quickly access their desktop data, stored photos or office files in the blink of an eye. With this technology available for free to everyone, bulkier devices can be left at home in exchange for the freedom of no wires and unlimited file access whenever you need it.

The Gist of It

With instant syncing, unparalleled access to file storage and the ability to share across mobile networks, SugarSync is trailblazing when it comes to offering free, universal file storage and transfer. Those seeking to give SugarSync an evaluation while also wishing to get their hands on an additional 500 MB of storage free can sign up for the service using Pingler’s affiliate link. It seems that SugarSync has a bright future in store for it – with an ever growing demand for universal file sharing and storage, this solution is definitely one of the largest contenders and is making a big name for itself.

Sign up for a free 5Gb account and try it for yourself, we know you will enjoy SugarSync!

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