3 Niches with SEO & Content Marketing Potential in 2021

0 comments, 20/01/2021, by , in Marketing

One of the most effective strategies for entrepreneurs and brands seeking to expand operations via search engines and social media is to analyze niche search categories. Whether it be based on specific long-tail keywords and phrase or based on broader niches themselves, being able to develop a following within a particular audience where less competition exists is a crucial part of rapid, sustained growth.

Ultimately and as 2021 has arrived, it feels as if there are very few niches and industries online where a healthy amount of growth in content marketing can occur. Nevertheless, there are still lesser-known niches where brands, bloggers and businesses can make a splash – under the right conditions.

Let’s look at 3 niches in particular that are under-tapped in content marketing in 2021.


One of the more controversial topics online today is certainly politics. The nature of this reality – combined with the difficulty of monetizing specific products or services on a wide scale – have left this niche generally untouched for a long time. However, there are notable benefits in targeting this particular niche.

While many existing businesses and brands cannot realistically target political niches without potential blow-back, those seeking to create affiliate marketing or digital marketing opportunities around websites and brands exclusively based in the arena have a lot of opportunities. With an unprecedented number of people engaging in political discourse online, this niche is ripe for opportunity in the near future.

However, it is crucial that existing brands not wade too deeply into these waters. A brand wholly unrelated to political discourse can potentially alienate large segments of their audience or consumer base by pinging links with political bias.

Alternative Health

In a world where healthcare becomes more expensive with each passing day and millions want to take personal charge of their health outcomes, it shouldn’t be surprising that alternative health niches are ripe for opportunity. A variety of alt-health brands and websites exist – some providing legitimate solutions, while others are effectively snake oil salesmen.

Ultimately, what each niche provides in terms of opportunities depends on the target audience. From natural home remedies for joint pain to diets that minimize the risk of long-term illness, more people than ever are looking for these solutions. Many specific search niches are under-tapped at this point, providing brands with an opportunity to reach relatively large numbers of people in 2021 and beyond.

Cutting-Edge Tech

Emerging forms of tech often drum up a massive amount of interest – but this often only gets discussed in news stories initially. As such, brands covering the niche demand for late-breaking tech developments (often prior to availability and deployment) is a great method for tapping into underdeveloped audiences.

From nanotechnology to automated vehicles and drones for selfies, there is a massive amount of experimental tech that audiences love to learn about on a daily basis. Consider how to leverage these niches into a broader enterprise that builds clout for your brand.

Pinging links to content optimized for any random niche can generate some value for content marketing, SEO and sales, but not all niches offer the same potential benefits. In 2021 and beyond, consider seeking out untapped or underdeveloped niches in SEO that can maximize the value of your content marketing.

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