Keep Your Business’s Data Secure Using These File Encryption Apps

0 comments, 27/11/2013, by , in App Reviews

Encryption AppsAs a business owner who uses his or her mobile devices for staying on top of sales, clients, and employees, you definitely want to have an app installed that will encrypt all of your company’s sensitive data so that, in the event that your device is lost or stolen or someone tries to break into it and steal information, you can rest assured that everything will be safe. There are several apps that will get the job done and below are a few to help you find the one that’s right for your needs.

Encrypt File Free

Encrypt File Free is an app that is available in the Google Play store for Android powered devices. Rather than simply hiding your files where you hope people will not be able to find them, you can effectively encrypt them so that, even if someone attempts to view your documents, photos, videos, etc., they will not be able to do so. This app also protects your files with a password so that only you can access your encrypted files and only you have the power to decrypt them as well.

Crypt4All Lite

Crypt4All Lite is another great option for encrypting the files on your devices. It is available on the Android market. Using a 256-bit AES algorithm, it effectively encrypts and decrypts anything on your device that you wish to keep safe. On top of encrypting your files, they will also be password protected. And you can encrypt the files on your mobile devices before uploading those files to your preferred cloud server so that hackers will not be able to access them there either. For business owners who need to keep their files safe from hackers, this app certainly does it all.

Data Encrypter

Also available on the Android market, the Data Encrypter app is a great way to keep all of your files safe from hackers. In addition to encrypting your files, you also have the option of erasing the original files immediately after they have been encrypted. The erased files will not be recoverable so you can rest assured that they are gone for good. Using an AES cipher, this app will encrypt entire files rather than just parts of files. Plus, this app has a really easy to understand user interface, and you can encrypt multiple files at once, saving you precious time.

Encrypt Files Lite

For those looking for a great encryption app for their Apple devices, Encrypt Files Lite is a free version that gets the job done. It will effectively encrypt and password protect a variety of file types, including Microsoft Office documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, as well as a variety of photo types including JPG, TIFF, and GIF, to name a few. It also encrypts audio files, videos, HTML files, and more.

Encrypt Tool

Finally, Encrypt Tool is another app available in the App Store. It encrypts all file types and sizes and is really easy to use. And, of course, it comes with password protection and password hints to help you in case you ever forget your password.

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