Reach the Maximum Number of People with These Multi-Screen Strategies

0 comments, 31/10/2013, by , in Marketing

Tablet MarketingIn the ever-evolving age of mass technology and social media, more and more people have found themselves immersed in multiple devices: mobile phones, desktops, laptops, tablets and televisions are all common tech devices that inform us and allow us to interact with the outside world. If you currently operate a website or blog and wonder how you can maximize your reach with target audiences, then you probably have considered the effect that various devices can have on this. Whether it pertains to mobile marketing or web functionality, your social media and website efforts should seek to accommodate as many screens as possible. In the following article, we will discuss strategies that you can use to maximize your online clout.

Understanding Device Usage and Implementing Marketing

Did you know that roughly 40% of media interaction occurs on smartphones? This is by far the single largest type of digital interaction that users have on a daily basis, and likewise is the best opportunity for users to find your brand. If you are pinging your website via marketing on select platforms, then you would be foolish not to incorporate mobile into the equation. Following this is the usage of desktop and laptop computers, which account for 25% of all media interaction. With this information in mind, you can craft appropriate marketing strategies that will help users find your brand and interact with it as desired.

Go with the Flow

Customers, readers and users alike have various habits in terms of how they investigate and learn more about brands. Most people may stumble across your brand on one device and will proceed to learn more about it on yet another device. Which way does this flow most efficiently? It turns out that targeting mobile devices is the best way to encourage individuals to learn more about your brand. Nearly two-thirds of people will begin their search or inquiry of a brand on a smartphone. From there, the vast majority will continue their research on a PC or laptop. For those who begin research on a laptop or desktop, the vast majority will then resort to mobile phones in order to find out more. See a pattern? Mobile devices are by far the most desirable and target-rich environment for brands that seek to make an impression.

Use Calls to Action

In various forms of advertising, you can incorporate calls to action in order to boost the likelihood that an individual will do more research or engage with your brand. One of the ways in which you can utilize this is through advertising efforts on mobile devices. If you promote a post or blurb that encourages individuals to find out more on their desktop computers or at a specific website, then you will certainly gain benefits from those who will be pinging your website. Likewise, larger brands may use television commercials as a way to encourage people to “find out more at www…”.


If you want to utilize multi-screen strategies to your advantage, then you certainly need to first understand how device usage impacts that. Once you grasp this, you can then determine the best marketing efforts to encourage that behaviour and encourage your readers via calls to action.

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