Leverage Your Graphic Design and Photography into Fresh Links

0 comments, 10/04/2016, by , in Marketing, SEO

Graphic designLink building remains one of the most crucial components of content marketing and search engine optimization. While its effects have been notably scaled back when compared to 10 or 15 years ago, there is still a definitive need for links from a variety of websites that point back to your blog, website or store. The reason for this is simple: links help refer more traffic to you, and search engines like to see that others find your website to be authoritative and valuable. There are dozens of different ways in which to build links, but those who are great at photography or graphic design will be pleased to know that such talents can easily translate into backlinks. Today, we’ll discuss some methods for leveraging your digital content into new, high-quality links.

Offer Your Work

With countless blogs and websites around the web, it is easy to find at least a few that lack a comprehensive multimedia strategy. Blog posts with no images are a perfect target for photography gurus wanting to build links. You can start out by contacting the author or owner of the website, alerting them to the technical considerations that come with having no images associated with their content. At this point, you can offer them access to one or more images from your graphic design or photography arsenal. The blog author can then attribute the image to you with a link back to your website: it doesn’t get much easier than that when it comes to pinging links!

Use Google Images

Google Images is a useful tool for building links via your graphic design offerings. Not only can the tool be used to track down potential uses of your image that do not contain links or attributions back to your site, but you can also utilize Google Images to find new opportunities. Within a given niche, you’ll be able to find the websites that are linking back to your competitors. This can provide you with a comprehensive list of leads, allowing you to reach out to them in the future and offer your own services to them. Because Google Images can be used to target specific niches, sites and various other characteristics involving images, you’ll be able to put together a truly-targeted list of possibilities for future outreach.

Build Infographics

If you are adept at graphic design, then leveraging your skills into additional links can easily be done with the creation of infographics. By targeting a specific niche, creating an easily digestible template and filling it with valuable information, you can quickly capture the attention of like-minded blogs, websites and social media pages. This can be an excellent way to pique the interests of countless other people who blog and write about specific subjects. Of course, providing a link back to the creator’s website is standard fare – don’t be afraid to circulate your freshly-made infographics on social media, through email and via paid marketing efforts. Pinging links to this type of content may be one of the best ways in which to build fresh links across a variety of websites.

By creating infographics, using Google Images and contacting bloggers who don’t have beautiful imagery in their posts, you can establish a variety of ways in which to build fresh links to your website. What other methods have you tried to build links with in the past? Let us know below.

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