Want to Get Your Name Out There? Check Out These Business Listing Sites

Name ListEvery brand or business faces plenty of obstacles when pursuing attention and traffic in the digital realm. Many brick and mortar businesses have discovered that the power of the internet can be used not only to expand online sales and offerings, but can also be used to increase visits and traffic in their physical store-fronts and locations. The key to gaining exposure throughout the web as a business is to be listed and visible in as many places as possible. Whether you’re pinging for SEO or merely trying to generate new leads, business listing sites can be a great solution. We’ll review a few business listing sites that you’ll want to consider submitting your brand to in order to gain more exposure.

Facebook for Businesses

Whether you are looking to promote your brand in search, increase sales in local stores, raise brand awareness or push customers to your website, one great solution for online business listings is Facebook for Businesses. Through this platform, you’ll be able to build an entire marketing strategy around what your brand entails, who you represent and what you have to offer. Whether you are looking for more organic outreach efforts or a paid marketing initiative, there are plenty of solutions available through this utility that can ensure you’ll be reaching plenty of interested audiences in no time at all.


Building traffic to your website through business listings doesn’t always have to be time-intensive and costly. With business listing sites like Whitepages.com, you can build additional credibility for your brand in search at the same time that you make it easier for search engine users to find you. Through Whitepages.com, you can submit your business’ contact information. From your phone number and website to your hours of operation and email, you can easily add and edit any of these fields whenever needed. The boost that being featured on Whitepages.com can bring to your brand is two-fold: it’ll accentuate any existing SEO efforts designed to increase name recognition and authority, and it’ll also add your presence to a directory that millions of people use on a regular basis.


Another great way in which to target individuals within a specific community or city is Local.com. Whether you offer shopping opportunities, charitable endeavors or events for the whole family, Local.com is all about connecting communities with the services and establishments they love. With its widespread presence, Local.com can help accentuate your influence in local search engines results on Google and other search engines, but can also provide its own boost in traffic from users who use the website. Pinging for SEO and generating new waves of organic traffic at the same time? Why wouldn’t you consider this business listing site as one way to do both?

There are many different business listing sites on the internet. Each presents an opportunity to reaffirm your presence – both online and in the physical world – and can help alert specific audiences to your presence when they may not have otherwise found you. Building awareness across the web for your brand is essential; listing sites have a role to play in boosting your reach.


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