How to Woo Your Mobile-Only Shoppers

Mobile ShoppingA growing segment of the population is ditching their desktop devices and instead, choosing to rely solely on mobile devices for browsing the web, fetching information and making purchases. While this trend has been ongoing for years, the speed at which it is now occurring is threatening a volatile disruption of the market for many brands that rely either on brick and mortar sales or desktop transactions for their existence. With a majority of internet traffic expected to come from mobile devices in just a few short years, learning how to target not just mobile users, but those who only use mobile, is becoming a top priority. Below, we’ll talk about how you can increase conversions and please those shoppers who may never view your website through the lens of a traditional PC.

Redesign Your Mobile Site

Responsive design is becoming increasingly common in websites, thanks to the overall pervasiveness of the mobile trend. Unfortunately, merely scaling your website to fit any and all devices just won’t cut it for brands who want to make a buck through mobile-only users. Instead of simply scaling down your website to fit a new resolution, you will want to consider completely redesigning the mobile version of your website to accommodate a different type of customer. Desktop websites are about showing all the bells and whistles. Mobile websites should be straight and to the point; they should focus on helping customers complete their transactions and quickly find what it is they need. By redesigning your mobile site to accommodate these needs, you’ll be pinging users with only what they seek (which will inevitably lead to more conversions and purchases).

Target Their Location

Your ability to sell to customers is enhanced by all of the newest and greatest additions that mobile technology has to offer. If your brand offers a variety of products that could be useful based on climate, season or various other geographical considerations, then don’t be afraid to geo-target mobile shoppers by asking them for their location. This will allow your mobile site to display relevant products to them, which in turn will boost sales. It is not always possible to do this (mobile users can refuse to share their location), but many people find this service to be quite helpful when browsing mobile sites and finding what it is they need. Especially helpful if you have physical locations, you’ll also be able to direct shoppers to the closest store to find anything they may wish to purchase in person.

Build and Promote Apps

While it can be difficult to sell customers on a mobile app built exclusively for your brand, it can be done when using the right combination of product accessibility and incentives. For instance, some brands emphasize that their apps allow customers to more quickly sort through products, include more browsing features, allow them to earn rewards, and so forth. Many brands use this incentive-based approach to encourage their users to download and utilize the apps. Plenty of information can be collected from the app usage itself, allowing you to learn even more about your customers’ shopping habits. You can encourage adopting of a brand app through mobile pop-ups and overlays, and by pinging users with links to download the app in email purchase receipts and on social media.

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