Why Podcasts Should Be a Part of Your Content Portfolio

0 comments, 27/11/2017, by , in Marketing

Building a strong, reliable content base for any audience takes countless hours of work. As a result of all the effort, it can be all too easy to rely on the easiest types of content to produce. For many, blog posts and articles are seen as a sure-fire way to reach audiences without needing any immense technical work or editing.

While some forms of content – such as professional videos and infographics – may require a lot of technical prowess to produce, one easy form of content you may be overlooking is podcasts. A growing segment within the world of content, podcasts can be easily made and distributed with just a bit of effort and equipment. Today, we’ll talk about why podcasts should be something you’re including in your brand’s content portfolio.

A Huge Podcast Audience

Roughly 70 million people report listening to at least one podcast per month. That is a huge audience and one that every single brand should be attempting to reach. The rate of growth in the world of podcasts has been steadily increasing for the past five years, when podcasts began to make a serious comeback.

In addition to these figures, tens of millions of people report listening to multiple podcasts every week. This means that the need to compete significantly isn’t as big of a hurdle as it might initially seem. If you start pinging links to podcasts on a regular basis, you can develop a significant following among any loyal audience.

Massive Revenue Potential

Another reason that podcasts have become so popular with many brands relates to their money-making potential. Multiple ad formats and sponsorships for podcasts exist, with current rates being quite favorable to those who sponsor various products and services. With one or two ads inserted at the beginning, middle or end of each podcasts, even small-scale brands are generating hundreds of dollars per month through the publication of their podcasts. This should be a huge motivation to brands that have large audiences, as even a thousand or so listens per podcast can generate consistent income for bloggers and brands.

Reach Unconventional Listeners

There are plenty of people out there who aren’t going to bother to read a long blog post or watch a video. The great thing about podcasts is that they can be used to reach people in a more passive setting. From listening at their computer desks while multi-tasking to tuning in via their mobile devices while on the way to work, podcasts are a great way to reach people who don’t want to exert much effort. By pinging links to this form of content via email, social media and blog, you can help make it easier for otherwise interested people to tune in and hear what your brand is offering or has to say.

Podcasts are a great form of content for both brands and audiences alike. From a brand perspective, producing and distributing a podcast is easier than many other forms of multimedia. At the same time, listeners can tune in and enjoy the content without having to intensely focus on a screen for long periods of time. By utilizing podcasts, your brand can reach larger numbers of people and generate meaningful ad revenue at the same time.

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