Common Reasons Why Websites Don’t Pursue SEO

0 comments, 11/09/2019, by , in Online Business, SEO

For more than 20 years, online brands, businesses and blogs have been utilizing components of search engine optimization to gain visibility and prominence within search engine results pages. Historically, ranking in select search results was rather easy: stuff in a few keywords, build out a large number of pages, and voila.

In the present day, such tactics not only aren’t enough, but they can even backfire under the wrong conditions. A whole host of considerations must be made when pursuing SEO these days, with dozens of metrics and technical points to consider. Nevertheless, SEO remains one of the most cost-effective methods for boosting visibility and driving traffic.

Despite this, many brands throw their proverbial hands in the air when dealing with SEO. Let’s look at some of the most common reasons why an increasing number of brands are forgoing SEO altogether.

SEO Is Complex

Perhaps the biggest discouragement for many websites when it comes to pursuing SEO is the sheer amount of complexity involved in it. With dozens of metrics to consider and analyze, countless terms and strategies to learn, and many hours of time and work involved in the process, it is not surprising that many choose not to embrace it. SEO can ultimately pay huge dividends for brands that utilize it, but the payoff takes time and requires an understanding of everything from pinging links to building content and monitoring analytics.

Other Channels Drive More Traffic Than SEO

It wasn’t too long ago that SEO was a sure-fire way to generate plenty of traffic. With few other options that were as time- and cost-effective, SEO was the name of the game. Today, however, there are many organic and paid marketing strategies that allow brands to generate ample traffic; many websites generate far more traffic via social media than through search engines. As such, embracing other channels can be cost-effective and deliver results more quickly.

SEO Is Constantly Changing

In the beginning, SEO was simple enough. As time has progressed, the act of targeting SERPs has become quite difficult – in large part because the dynamics of SEO are constantly changing. With changes in search algorithms being unveiled on a consistent basis, keeping up-to-date with an already vast repository of skill-sets is just too much of an ask for many brands.

SEO Is Dead

Given how much SEO has changed over the years and the nuances that now exist within it, simple SEO strategies are no longer a given. Many people simply believe that the age of SEO is dead: given that search engines have moved to a system where content quality matters most and the availability of other marketing strategies, pinging links via search engines seems outdated to some. While SEO most certainly is still alive and well, it is not ideal in the eyes of some webmasters.

SEO remains relevant and important, but there are many reasons why brands choose not to embrace it. Whether it relates to time and effort expended, viable alternatives that require less effort, or its dynamic nature, it’s not surprising that many are seeking out different strategies for improving visibility and reaching their audiences.


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