Four Absolutely Vital Small Business Marketing Tools

Colourful PencilsSmall businesses face a litany of challenges on a daily basis. Competition has always been a factor, but the age of the internet makes it easier than ever before for businesses to lose out when the competition outperforms them. Small businesses with internet presences know this reality all too well. The best defence in regards to small business success is a good offense with respect to marketing and promotion. Thankfully, there are many different resources and tools that small businesses can use to improve their marketing outcomes. We’ll review four great tools today that any small business should consider when examining their marketing strategies.

Open Site Explorer

Small businesses absolutely need a consistent amount of traffic – let alone links – in order to build business and maintain/generate domain authority. One of the best ways to do both of these things is link building. Open Site Explorer is a great utility that’ll start pinging websites around the web in order to discover who is linking to your competitors (but not to you). This will present plenty of opportunities to approach these entities and request a link of your own; after all, what does your competitor have that you don’t?

Title Generator

Portent has a very useful tool available to writers and small businesses alike: its nifty Title Generator. How can this be of service? Let’s face it: small businesses can sometimes struggle with the creation of new and exciting blog posts that are relevant to their industries. Nevertheless, this content is absolutely essential to long-term SEO and marketing efforts. The Title Generator tool takes a simple idea or topic from you and helps you generate a number of titles for specific articles or blog posts. This can be incredibly helpful in overcoming those proverbial brick walls when it comes to new ideas.


The world’s biggest social media network is a dream come true for many small business marketing needs. For starters, Facebook includes a nifty Insights features for all business pages. This can allow you to quickly determine who comprises your audience on Facebook, where they live, how old they are, and a variety of other metrics. In addition to the Insights function, Facebook itself is a great marketing tool because it allows small businesses to run custom-tailored ad campaigns with small budgets. You’ll be able to reach as many or as few people as you can afford – truly a vital tool.

Small businesses need consistent amounts of new content in order to attract visitors. In order to organically capture these visitors in the first place, however, you’ll need a good SEO game. is a very helpful utility that can be excellent for keyword research and when determining which specific search engine niches to target. This utility digs through a variety of popular websites to find great keywords and phrases for any broader topic entered. The value in this is immense: you cannot be expected to think of every potential keyword/key phrase combination. will save you valuable time by doing the hard work of pinging websites for you!

Small businesses face a variety of struggles; tools like these can help make the challenge a bit easier. What other tools do you find valuable on a day-to-day basis?

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