Important Search Optimization Strategies for Non-Google Searches

0 comments, 27/01/2017, by , in SEO

In the world of SEO, it can often feel like Google is the only major player. With the bulk of the world’s search traffic being directed through it, there is definitely reason why so many focus on their performance within Google’s SERPs. Despite the prioritization of SEO for Google, there are many other search engines out there that can likewise deliver a steady stream of traffic to your website – if you’re optimized for their searches as well. Today, we’ll review some simple yet importation search engine optimization strategies that you’ll want to consider for non-Google searches.


If you’re offering products and services that you want to make more visible, then tapping into one of the world’s biggest marketplaces definitely makes sense. eBay provides users with an easy way to buy, pay and receive their orders, but for businesses seeking better search optimization outcomes, there is an additional advantage. Because of its clout, pinging links to your products via eBay will make them far more likely to rank well in select search results, giving you an additional opportunity to generate sales and views. Who says that you have to sell your offerings through your website alone? Sites like eBay help make it possible for you to reach more people, generate more sales, and improve your visibility.


If you want to further improve your brand’s rankings in search, then be sure to take advantage of YouTube. While YouTube may technically be considered “Google” since it is owned by them, it operates independently in many ways. Nevertheless, the prioritizing that Google gives to YouTube results in search means that your properly optimized tags, keywords and video uploads on the site are far more likely to rank well in search than through other sources. Seeing as how YouTube can generate additional link clout and SERP potential for your brand – as well as making your brand visible via the search functions of the world’s largest video service – you’d be a fool not to take advantage of it.


Arguably Google’s biggest direct search competitor, Bing funnels plenty of traffic to websites all over the web that are savvy enough to optimize for its searches. With around 1 in 5 searches coming through Bing, it would be a bad idea to ignore the power and potential of this search platform. You’ll find more direct success with your keywords on Bing than on Google, but you’ll find it a bit more difficult to break into its ranks if your site is newer. For some businesses targeting select demographics, optimizing for Bing makes more sense than optimizing for Google. Nevertheless, those seeking to broaden their horizons beyond Google would be well-advised to start pinging links that are optimized for Bing results.

Traffic via search doesn’t just come from Google. There are countless platforms around the web where people find information via searches. Whether it’s video hubs, marketplaces or other search engines, developing ways to optimize for these venues is essential to a well-balanced traffic composition. Tell us below what motivates you to improve your optimization efforts and reach out beyond Google.


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