The Basics of Conversion Optimization

Comments Off on The Basics of Conversion Optimization, 18/05/2016, by , in Online Business, Web Design

Work DeskConversions play a huge role in many online brands’ and business’ bottom lines. Likewise, non-profits and even humble blogs often engage in conversion optimization strategies in order to gain subscribers and followers. The task of conversion optimization remains vital to most blogs, businesses and websites for these reasons and many more. Unfortunately, many brands are not operating at maximum efficiency when it comes to their rate of conversions. In order to find the problem, it sometimes helps to look at the basic building blocks. Today, we’ll cover the basics of conversion optimization in case you need to review your overall strategy from the ground up or are learning for the first time.

Personalized Experiences

Conversion optimization is built around ensuring that those who view your website, store or blog find inherent value in it, connect with it and ultimately convert. It can be hard to do this when you are attempting to reach a wide swath of people. Many brands and businesses are familiar with who they should be targeting in terms of audiences, but they fall short when it comes to creating an experience that will appeal to their specific personalities. This is why pinging servers with personalized experiences is a vital component of conversion optimization: you cannot begin to improve outcomes until you sufficiently target and motivate specific segments of your audience. You can also create multiple personalized experiences via a combination of email marketing methods, landing pages and marketing campaigns.

Traffic Consideration

Where exactly is your audience coming from? This is a vital question that must be answered for conversion optimization efforts. Let’s say you have 5 different landing pages. Each landing page may be deriving a plurality of its traffic through a different source. Some may be driving traffic via Google, while others bring home the bacon via Facebook. The inherent value of this is that you can begin to further refine each landing page and each user experience in a way that further increases conversions. Not only is it wise to find out where the most traffic for each landing page is coming from, but it also makes sense to document the second, third, and even fourth biggest sources of traffic. This will help you learn even more about your audiences and deliver more relevant and customized content to them.

Tweaks and Tests

Finally, no conversion optimization effort would be complete without plenty of prior tweaking and testing. Optimizing your rate of conversions is all about experimentation. While there are some strategies that can provide near-universal benefit – regardless of industry or niche – much of conversion optimization comes down to trial and error with your audiences. By pinging servers for data, performing plenty of A/B tests, eliminating the least effective campaigns and focusing on what works, you can slowly build highly efficient methods that deliver for you day in and day out.

We love to hear about conversion success stories? Do you have any to share? Let us know below what has gone right (or wrong) for you in your optimization efforts.